Chapter 95: Wester's Last Stand

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Ryu found himself helping his sister on body detail. What could they realistically do against a giant robot?

Curiously enough, Rachel was helping in lieu of fighting with the others.

"If I got involved, I would only end up getting in their way and hurting them." That was the reasoning that she'd given.

She was probably right, but that wasn't what was on his mind, for his part.

He couldn't get over watching Ty die. He knew that it was inevitable from day one, but knowing that didn't make it hurt any less...

Fuller strolled by in that moment, looking different than Ryu had ever seen him. He looked... conflicted.

"Fuller!" he called, but all he got in response was a low, disdainful growl.

He walked up to the robot, past the exhausted mother/daughter duo, and began actually climbing up the robot, heading for its chest.

"What's he doing?" Rachel asked after getting Moonie to safety.

"I have no idea..." Ryu answered.

Wester wasn't happy. "Fuller... What are you doing?!" Get off!"

Fuller dodged the robotic fists heading his way. He rammed his fist into the robot's chest, an action that seemed to hurt him badly. He tore out a bevy of important-looking parts, forcing it to swat at him wildly.

"YOU TRAITOROUS DOG!" Wester roared.

He eventually hit what was apparently the power supply of the colossus, electrocuting him even as he disabled the thing, causing it to fall to the ground on top of him.

The whole room went silent. Had Fuller just... sacrificed himself for them?

Apparently, that assessment was wrong, because he tunneled his way out of the rubble a few minutes later, apparently unharmed.

The elevator opened afterward to an enraged Wester. He actually ignored everyone else and went straight for his former partner.

A ton of curses spewed forth from the man.

"Watch your language," the big man chided calmly. "Besides, I was never on your side. You're just so drunk on yourself that you couldn't even read the obvious hints as to how I felt towards you."

He growled hatefully as he looked around him. He was clearly surrounded by enemies.

"Just give it up," Rachel stated.

Ryu punctuated this. "You can't win."

The madman put his head down and growled in a feral manner before laughing--no, howling--maniacally.

"Surrounded?" Pure insanity was in the man's sleep deprived eyes. "Not after all I've done! I've waited YEARS to get my revenge on that foolish PIG!"

He pulled a vial out of his pocket.

"Oh, here we go..." Fuller mumbled.

Taking the plunger out, he gulped down the blue liquid inside.

"W-Wester... What did you just..." Ryu looked above to see... that man. He looked horrified.

"Something I'm going to sell to the highest bidder..." He sneered at the scientist as he began to clutch his stomach in pain.

"What is that stuff?!" Ryu called to the scientist.

"The essence of all of your abilities! I diluted that to create Cybil. Fuller must've gotten his hands on that vial before I could destroy it!"

Fuller smirked. "Bingo."

That's not for human... "

Wester collapsed on the floor, convulsing wildly and laughing madly.

Horror filled the room as everyone knew that whatever was coming next was going to be of nightmarish proportions.

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