Chapter 89: Mother/Daughter Dance

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The fight was fierce, not so much on the outside, but on the inside. Cybil was doing her best to bury her heartbreak and pain even as she was fighting. She had a feeling that whatever Wester had done with her mother, she wasn't going to hold back in this condition.

The only conversation the cybernetic woman made involved clipped statements of "Execute" and "Die".

They spent what felt like 10 minutes swapping blows, feeling each other out. The taller woman then grabbed her by the leg  after a particular kick attempt before throwing her with ease. The blue flooring rippled with color on impact with it.

Cybil forced herself to pour all of her strength into the following volley. She didn't want a drawn-out brawl. She just wanted to end the fight and wake up from this nightmare.

The fight got interesting when the cyborg started producing missiles from her hands to fire at Cybil.

What exactly had Wester done to her?

Dipping and dodging past the missiles, she was greeted by a punch with some serious speed behind it.

The girl's vision blurred as she took the blow, but she didn't have any time to so much as smart from it before she found herself uplifted by the throat.

"Over," the assailant said, an eye flashing a menacing red as she produced a dagger from the knuckles on her empty hand.

She closed her eyes, waiting for the end...

But it never came.

She heard a blast, and then somehow regained the ability to breathe. She took advantage of it greedily.

She looked up to see an Asian woman in a black coat. She seemed to be in her late 30s.

"Are you all right? Can you stand?"

She could barely open her mouth, let alone speak. She merely nodded.

"I'm sorry that you had to see your mother like this..."

"How..." Cybil managed to get out.

"No time. Stay back. I will take care of this."

She backed away, sat down, and promptly fell into a dreamless unconsciousness.


With James...

The scientist's cauldron of emotions simmered to a mixture of confusion and relief at the new face that appeared the midst of Cybil's fight.

Who was this woman?

Wester, on the other hand, was irate at the new development. "What is SHE doing in here?!"

Next came a volley of unpleasant language from the man that made even James's ears tingle.

It then turned back to cackling as he spoke to James. "Don't worry... I've got so much left in store...for ALL of you!"


Above: Mother/Daughter Dance - Decapre Battle Theme, Street Fighter V

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