Chapter 40: Night Scrap, Part 2

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Knowing that she couldn't delay things any longer (no matter how much she wanted to), Cybil headed silently to the room in question.

Sleeping soundly in her bed was the woman, surely unaware of the fate that was to befall her. After checking and confirming her appearance (by what she could see) with the woman in the photo, she set about thinking about how the deed should be done.

She'd before considered smothering her quickly, but what if she wasn't as heavy a sleeper as she appeared to be?

She knew she had to hurry, as that sickening feeling in her stomach was rising again, sapping away more of her nerve by the minute.

Practically on cue, her communicator buzzed, "Cybil?"

The girl mumbled something that her creator took as a response.

"I've been thinking... You don't have to go through with this."

"Huh?" she hadn't expected that.

"I could just make up some story about our target not being here, and I could take responsibility for whatever comes!"

"But, Father..."

Before the conversation could finish, however, she felt a weight on her back.

Shocked, she shook around, violently trying to shake her unknown foe loose. The grunts sounded childlike, much younger than her.

Succeeding, she still could only catch a glimpse of her new target in the dim moonlight.

Wait. Was her imagination playing tricks on her, or was there something on his head?

It didn't take her Threat Assessment ability to know that she quickly found something fly over her head as she ducked. It gleamed with a metallic shine in the small amount of moonlight.

"I knew it! They said you'd come!"

A few missed swipes of the object later, she wound up catching the object (which she now knew was an aluminum baseball bat) in her hands mid-swing.

Even enhanced strength didn't stop that from hurting.

This had to stop. She tackled the boy to the ground, pinning him to the ground and knocking the bat out of the fight.

The fight stalled, with the boy trying to wrest himself from Cybil's iron grip. With time to properly process his appearance, she realized he looked awfully similar to a description James once gave of one of her siblings...

"Cybil!" James practically screamed in her ear. "What's happening? Who have you been fighting all this time?"

"It's... It's... Tyrone."

"How do you know my name?" the boy chirped up, in a state of fear and desperation.

The girl practically forgot to breathe as she mechanically stepped off of her brother. He attacked again, but she defended against it, managing to restrain him even while running on pure instinct.

"Let me go!" He hissed.

She didn't budge. She was too busy trying to convince herself that this scenario was neither a dream nor a nightmare, but real.

Tyrone continued to protest. "I said, let me go! I know you came here to kill Mama! You'll never get her! I won't let you touch her!"

Her grip loosened a little. "I'm sorry..."

"Sorry? SORRY?!"

She forced his mouth shut while keeping as firm a grip as possible on him. It wasn't easy, and she felt a knife cut through her heart as she did so. Why did it have to be this way?

This conflict had so absorbed both of the two involved that they didn't notice that the woman in question was up and the lights had gone on.


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