Chapter 84: The Final Mission Begins

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You know what's coming. Stop fighting this. We were made to obey him...

Cybil's mind had been plagued with these thoughts ever since she'd went to sleep the night before. Her "dark" half is what she had called it. The part of her that was still a mindless super soldier endeavored to unseat her and turn her back into what she used to be.

She wouldn't let that happen.

They sped across the parking lot to the building that provided the front for the Organization's base. They made their way straight to the upper floor. No opposition. Nothing appeared to stop them.

That made everyone more nervous.

Uncomfortable looks were exchanged as they headed up the elevator (Rachel had to make herself as light as possible to prevent the machine from falling. She also had to go last and by herself).

Cybil led them into the office of the hated man.

A holographic projection of Wester greeted them. He held his arms out in welcome.

"Welcome, welcome! Glad you could make it! I have something special for all of you...including uninvited guests."

He knew that people other than the original group would be here?

"Go downstairs and enjoy the fun. I assure you that a certain meddlesome wench and another 'child' of yours certainly is, James!"

"That's..." Raelynn trailed off.

"That's gotta be Ty and Elena!" Corrin supplied.

"Before you leave on your suicide mission, Jamie," Wester added before the group could scramble away. "Bear in mind that you may want to stay long enough to have a nice little reunion with your late-ish wife..."

James lost his cool and took a swing at the hologram. It just went through air, predictably.

"We'll meet downstairs, where a game awaits for all of you. And as for you, James..."

The hologram snapped his fingers, and James vanished into thin air.

Horrified looking around by all involved followed.

"Daddy? Daddy! Where..."

Cybil was cut off as the room around her vanished as well.


With James...

The scientist found himself in a pitch black room. A light shone above him, temporarily blinding him.

"What... What is this?! Wester!"

"Relax, Jimmy. The show's already started. Better enjoy it!"

The voice echoed throughout the area, tearing the poor man's soul apart with its every echo.

A computer monitor was illuminated by another floodlight from above. Though he didn't want to go, James's feet carried him to that monitor. Five separate screens awaited him. The horror show that greeted him didn't disappoint, no matter how hard he wanted it to.

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