Chapter 34: Ballad of the Wheelchair-Bound Sniper

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James began to recount what was probably his most painful tale.

"Ryu was created because the Organization had needed a sniper..."

James chose to leave out the fact that it was Wester specifically who had commanded him on a whim to do this.

"To this end, they set me to have him built. He was designed to be a 'perfect' sniper. Having the Gifts of unnatural aim and reflexes as well as superhuman sight, he would have been able to hit anything despite the conditions and do so from a distance most trained snipers would only be able to dream of.

James closed his eyes. He dreaded this part.

"However, there was one problem. Budgets were cut."

The last sentence came out with more than a tinge of bitterness. He knew the source of that little issue, too.

"What does that mean?" Cybil asked.

"In this particular case, it meant that Ryu's body wound up stopping at the torso. He has nothing past that point.

"Did he live?"

"Yes," James answered, aware of the slightly nervous tenor demonstrated in the way she asked the question. "They even had designs to put him in the field in some missions. That is, until they realized his...handicap."

Cybil sat on her bed, now long back on the floor. "They didn't want to deal with half a person, did they?"

"Don't you dare say that about him!" he snapped, regretting it immediately when he saw his daughter flinch in fear. "Sorry! It's just...just that someone had said almost those exact words about him. I didn't like it then, and I don't like it now. He's your brother, and I expect you to treat him as such when you see him, no matter what he looks like."

"You mean I'll really get to see him?" Her voice radiated hope, something rarely seen visibly from her, even now.

"You can be sure of that," James promised, though not sure how exactly he was going to carry that out anytime soon. Under his breath, he mumbled, "I just hope he doesn't bear any animosity towards me for who he is, or how he was awakened..."



Visions of a "newborn" Ryu screaming and hyperventilating in a mysterious fluid haunted the boy almost every time he closed his eyes. This nightmare was no exception.

He woke up with a start. He made his way as quietly as possible to a nearby bathroom. Splashing water on his tired face, he looked at his body.

Half a body, that is.

He blinked back tears as a mix of anger, sadness, and confusion washed over him with far greater potency than the water ever did.

When will this stop?

He made his way back to his bed, checking on his sister on the way there. He ruffled her hair. She looked like an angel. A solar-powered one to be exact. Her back, jutting with equipment, was facing up as she slept on her stomach without tucking herself in. He'd never understand why she slept that way.

On the way back to his own bed, he looked in his closet to see if he still had it.

He did. The small handgun. He reached out to touch it, but an unknown fear gripped him.

Now was not the time. But he would have to do it. He would have to be brave soon. To confront the man. The man that stared back at him with those remorseful eyes.

He needed to find out how remorseful. Personally.

He needed to be brave.

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