Chapter 103: The Videos

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Ryu woke up in his room at the Guardian Base.


Raelynn was standing over top of him, smiling.

"Morning, sleepy head!"

"I.. weren't we in the..."

"Luke got us out of there," Raelynn answered, anticipating the question.

"But what about Wes--"

"Cybil turned Super Saiyan and soothed the savage beast to sleep."

"She what?"

"Don't worry about it. We'll have her explain once she comes to..."


"She's... resting. She'll come to soon. Anyway, there's something we need to watch together. It's a message Dad sent."


The message was played, revealing a man at the end of his rope, looking more exhausted than ever.

"Um... Children... I know that you're not going to see this letter while I'm still with you. I just can't shake the feeling that I won't return with you after this mission."

"He knew..." Ryu whispered.

"I wanted to say something to all of you, to tell you how much I love you. I know we won't really have much time to later... I'll address you guys individually.

"Rae... I never expected you to get involved in this. I... I wish you could've been as far removed from this as possible. You're a wonderful girl, and you're as human as you need to be."

The robot girl smiled nervously. "So I didn't make that up..."

"We'll get to your brother in a moment."

He was going in chronological order, apparently.

"Ty... If you're watching this, I'm so sorry. Sorry that your existence hangs by a thread. Sorry that I walked in and destroyed what little happiness you found..."

The man stopped to wipe away tears.

"I wish I could fix you up good as new, but I'm not going to be able to. There are, however, some names and numbers you can have your mom look up that can help you for free. Pause here to see them."

An undercurrent of pain still raw went through the room. There would be no Ty, nor an Elena Williams to call those numbers...

"I love you, Ty..."

Before the waterworks could come on at full blast, James continued.

"Max... I know you must be sorting out how you got dragged into all of this, but soon enough, you'll be home to 'protect your own' as an acquaintance of mine once said."


Oh, boy.

"I'm well aware that you must harbor some kind of animosity towards me... It's well deserved. Even though the funding for what might have been your lower body didn't come through, I... I should've tried something else to ensure that you weren't bound to a wheelchair for life before I died."

When did it get so rainy in here?

"I... I put an order in with a friend, though. Hopefully, he should have your new set of legs ready by the time all of this ends."

"What?!" Both siblings exclaimed in unison.

"We'll get to that friend at the end.

"Rachel... I... Don't you dare think that you're too big for anything! No, you're not fat... and... I... I just needed that off of my chest. You're a wonderful young woman, no matter what you look like!"

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