Chapter 50: Preparations, Part 1

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Ryu had thought it strange how his mysterious benefactor was so eager to help him. When he had had his fun with Joel (even winning a few rounds of Street Fighter against him), he had to bring his sister to their shared room to discuss his recent discovery.

"So, do you trust this guy, Ryu?"

"Not really."

Raelynn breathed a sigh of relief. "Me neither, so I guess we're on the same page about this, then."

He sensed hesitation in her tone. "But..."

"But it's the closest lead I have to seeing my baby sister again. We've gotta take this chance."

"I think it's spooky how he knows about us, and how he thinks of you as nothing more than..."

"An android..." the words hung there, with quite a bit of bitterness pent up in it. One of the few ways to anger Raelynn was to point out her more robotic traits.

She clenched her fists and closed her eyes tightly. It was easy to forget that behind that jovial exterior was a tangle of frustration. A human in every way but reality... "

All Ryu had to do personally was look down to see how inhuman he was. It wasn't an easy thing to deal with, not to mention the looks he still got from newer kids occasionally.

"'You're human in every way that matters'. Didn't you say something like that to me a while back?"

"Yeah," she breathed. "I think so. Doesn't make it easier, though."

*Ryu and Raelynn. Commander Luke would like to see you in his office.*

An intercom message from Luke's secretary, Lisa. It was time.

Luke glanced at them upon their coming in. Apparently, he had been in the middle of some paperwork.

"So you're here."

He glanced at the android girl, noticing the conflict still evident on her face. "You sure you want to do this?"

Raelynn took a deep breath. "If I wasn't, I wouldn't be here. I don't like the person who gave us this lead, but if it means that I get to see my actual offense...I'll take it."

"You wound me," Luke said in a tone of mock offense. A grin broke out on his face a moment later. "Just kidding, Rae. It's just that in this line of business, family is at a premium. Simply put, most people don't want us around...even our family a lot of the time rejects us."

"It doesn't take much..."

Lisa appeared out of nowhere, surprising everyone except Luke.

"Just show 'em your powers once, and you end up running for your life."

The woman had an accent reminiscent of Harley Quinn. It was kind of jarring to hear it in this particular capacity at first, but then again, so was Raelynn, but to a greater degree.

"Please don't do that," Ryu asked, trying to bring his heart rate down to something resembling normal.


She got up from her desk and walked over to them.

"You know, I'm a little jealous, quite frankly. I hear you got brothers and sisters. Treat 'em right, you hear?"

"Um... Okay," both brother and sister said in unison.

"After all, you never know if you'll ever get to see them again..."

There was obvious pain in her voice. That and the tears that she quickly wiped away indicated personal experience with this.

"Anyway," Luke announced carefully, getting back to the topic at hand. "Since you two don't exactly lend yourselves to fighting, I've asked someone to accompany you."

A young man came in the door at the commander's gesture. The two siblings hadn't seen him before they had come in. Apparently, the ninja garb wasn't just for show.

Taking off his mask, the boy looked cool and collected. Apparently, despite blonde hair and rather boyish looks, Ryu sensed a consummate professional hiding deep within.

"Yo," he greeted putting up a peace sign.

"This is Corrin," Luke explained.

Luke clasped his hands together. "That should about do it. According to the information your benefactor gave, we were able to pinpoint the..."

He was interrupted by footfalls.

"Wait for me!"

...It couldn't be, could it?

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