Chapter 54: Mad Men

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Fuller never was interested in what the fool had to say. Most of the time, he just rolled his eyes and humored him, trying not to break role by punching his boss into a crater in the wall.

When he strode into Wester's office today, he felt no differently.

He put on his smile nonetheless. "What can I do for you, Master Wester?" Just having to utter the term"master" in relation to the British annoyance made him have to work not to break character and floor him.

"I would like a more specific report on my little rogue wind-up toy and her band of misfits. We have a general beat on their location, but you've always been better at getting me the more specific details..."

Fuller could tell by the look in his boss's eyes and his tone that what he said had been flattery, plain and simple.

Why did his face seem so eminently punchable all of a sudden...

He sucked in a calming breath before giving his report."The rebels are right where we need them. They currently are scrambling to find another option after not finding my lab a suitable option for hiding out or living in."

Wester smiled with maniacal glee. "Smashing. They're right where we need them! What about the living torso and the robot? What's their progress?"

Even Fuller himself found his terms demeaning, and he didn't even care for the robot he referred to.

"They should soon reach the home of Max Rivera. I expect to hear from them soon?"


Fuller rolled his eyes, wondering whether or not they would one day fall out of his sockets. "The second one he created. The one who decimated half of our staff... The 'pretty boy'?"

"Oh, him," Wester said dismissively. "You know, it's a shame we couldn't get those 'tendencies' of his under control..."

Fuller was actually shocked at his boss's callousness here. "He had a mental breakdown! What did you expect was going to happen?"

"I expect my soldiers to obey me, not to start getting a headache and killing off my men."

Fuller had to grit his teeth. He didn't care much for humans. In fact, aside from his parents, the only human he didn't brush off after two seconds was MacDougal, and he was sure that that was a business issue. He cared much more about the Powers roaming around. He couldn't stand it when his people were maligned or thrown away like trash.

"I hope you don't make it a habit to poke bears like this..."

Wester chuckled. "What are you talking about? You baby these tools as if they actually had some dignity to them! 'Supers' aren't people, Fuller. They're beasts. Threats to all mankind. If you want my honest opinion, I think I'm doing humanity a service by muzzling these creatures before they can take control and enslave us."

"Maybe some of these creatures want to left alone to carve their own path! Ever think of that, Wester?"

Fuller knew he had broken character, but he was pretty far from caring at this point.

"You act as if you care about these things. You know, you'd make a great animal rights activist..."

Fuller barely got himself under control. He decided on his next course of action. "Permission to make a comment, sir?"

The boss shrugged. "Sure. What is it."

"A piece of advice." He walked up to his desk, eerily calm. He then picked it up and chucked it against the wall, reducing the wood to splinters and damaging the wall a decent amount. "GET YOUR HEAD ON STRAIGHT!"

A smile was on Wester's face, however nervous, but fear was in his heart, as his eyes told the story. Fuller reveled in that fear.

"I... I liked that Maplewood desk. T-that's coming out of your s-salary..."

Fuller turned to leave. "Take it all. I don't care. I don't need your money."

Fool, he thought. I'm happy to cleanse the New World of men like him...

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