Chapter 81: Fair Day

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James was surprised to be woken up at dawn by his daughter.

"Daddy..." It was her voice all right, but this is the first time he had heard her whine with it.

"Yes, Cybil?" He was still trying to come back to reality.

"Can we go somewhere?"


"To have fun," the girl elaborated. "We need some time to relax before..." She left the matter unsaid. She didn't have to repeat it. "Anyway, I promised Ty that he would get some time to actually be a little kid before..." She hadn't mentioned that either.

He agreed. Anything to get his mind off of all of this. "Sure. Did you have anything in mind?"

It was then that Rae entered the plane. They had basically slept in the vehicle once it was turned off. Nobody had had the energy to make it upstairs to the bedrooms, and the plane was actually surprisingly comfortable to sleep in.

"These!" She flashed the several tickets in her hand. "They're for a fair held by and for people with and without powers."

It would be an interesting social experience, if nothing else. James easily said yes.

"Sure. Let's get everyone ready and look up the coordinates."


Just looking around the massive island where the fair was held gave Cybil goosebumps. So many people with and without powers dotted the landscape. Even "mutants" had a ball here, with a boy and girl that were part dog and part cat at a cotton candy vendor ordering.

Right off the bat, Moonie got busy dragging a reluctant Corrin on every roller coaster and thrill ride they could find. The both of them would be ribbing each other for the entire day.

Rachel stayed off the rides, worried she might break them. She instead aimed for the games. Cybil tried the bottle toss, only to get discouraged upon striking only a row out of the multiple rows available down.

Rachel, however, had better luck, sending the tennis ball through the tent. The shockwave from the toss alone knocked all the bottles down.

"Yay!" she clapped, proud of herself. The attendant was open mouthed, but clearly not on account of Rachel's appearance (there were actually people much bigger than her here, much to her relief).

"That's never happened before..." he said.


Later on, Cybil caught up with Max and Ryu inside a hall of mirrors.

"How do people get around in here?" Max asked.

"It must be really confusing," Cybil remarked, amazed at the elaborate architecture.

"Wait." Max said, his arms on his hips. "Where's Ryu?"

Ryu had vanished at some point.


After about 20 minutes of searching, the trio walked out, with no small amount of fear etched on the wheelchair-bound boy's face.

"Never again." Ryu was adamant on that point.


Ty, Elena, and James were at one of the food tents. The little boy's appearance had begun to look tired constantly, but she was loathe to bring that up.

"Have you tried to go on any of the rides?" Cybil asked Ty.

"I'm too short," The boy huffed.

"You'll..." She stopped herself before she stuck her foot in her mouth by saying that he'll get bigger.

"You'll be fine. You're enjoying yourself, I hope."

"Yeah. I'm having fun..." He smiled, but it seemed...foreign to him. It broke her heart to see it, but she managed not to show it.

She smiled instead. "I'm glad to hear it." She went to get some food.


She turned back to Ty. "Yes?"

"Thank you."

"You're welcome..." Cybil whispered to the crowned boy, choked up.

She had to walk out of the tent to keep her tears from being seen. No matter what happened next, she was sure that she would remember this day forever.

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