Chapter 51: Preparations, Part 2

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Joel appeared in the doorway, out of breath.

"Good... I...wasn't too late..."

The pleasant look disappeared from Luke's face, replaced with a raised eyebrow. "Moon? Look, we're kind of in the middle of something here..."

"I...I..." the boy managed to calm down before finishing. "I want to go with you."

Both Ryu and Raelynn wore shocked expressions. Lisa and Luke looked particularly less surprised. They exchanged looks. Corrin just seemed to be interested in where this was going.

"Look, kid. This ain't a field trip," Luke explained. "Besides, a lot of people don't have families to go back to."

There was a desperation to the gamer's voice that was unprecedented. Also, he seemed on the verge of...crying?

"That's why I HAVE to go! Don't you think I would have TRIED to call my team... My family disowned me as some kind of evil spirit, and...and..."

Tears streamed down the Korean teen's face. He couldn't even finish his statement.

Luke seemed lost in thought even as his secretary consoled Joel.

"You realize a lot of people back there would kill for this kind of opportunity?"

Of course, he was referring to the dozens of people in this particular base of the Guardians alone.

Joel looked away, unsure of what to say.

Luke sighed heavily. "How badly do you want this, kid...?"

"I...I can fight for you."

That got everyone's attention.

"You're not a fighter," Luke pointed out, a look of displeasure painted his features. Even watching, Ryu knew this couldn't have been a decision he looked forward to. "I admire you for your courage, but we don't even understand enough about your powers to use them properly. Do you?"

"I understand enough. Watch!"

After everyone instinctively moved out of the way, the boy closed his eyes and concentrated.

"SUMMERSAULT!" A kick identical to the Street Fighter special move was released. The normally unathletic boy spun upward with both feet out and the familiar yellow crescent shown off in all its glory.

"Okay, then." Ryu wasn't sure how to handle this. Along with Raelynn and himself, Joel was one of the few who didn't put too much emphasis on their powers.

Corrin actually looked impressed. "I wonder how much of that you can do."

"As much as I can remember," Joel replied. "I would need to see this stuff in action, you know, to refresh my memory."

A smile played on Lisa's lips. "I guess your addiction to fighting games really pays off for you."

"Hey!" the boy retorted. "It's not an addiction, it's a key part of my powers! Besides, I gotta stay in practice for online tournaments, at least."

"I say, bring him along."

All heads turned to the ninja in the room.

"It might be fun to spar with him."

"Yeah, listen to him!" then it hit Joel what had actually been said. "Wait. What?!"

Corrin chuckled to himself as Luke regarded the siblings.

"I think I'll leave this up to you. Do you want to bring him with you?"

The two exchanged looks. Joel was their friend, but he wasn't a warrior, no matter how his abilities literally screamed otherwise.

"I don't know about this..." Ryu whispered to his sister.

"I feel weird about this, too, but we still have a ninja with us. It's not like we don't have someone that could take Moonie out of any situation he might ."

She looked at her hands. They faintly glowed for a split second.

"Besides, we could help, should it come to that."

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

She nodded her agreement. "Alright. Moonie, you're on!"

"Wahoo!" the teen scurried to the duo's side. "You won't regret this. I promise!"

"With that settled," Luke stated, getting everybody back on track. "All of you will need to get some rest tonight. You leave early tomorrow."

All were dismissed, excluding the siblings.

Luke appeared troubled as he faced them. "I'm still uncomfortable with this guy you've been contacting. All of this feels too clean... Too... Organized."

"Do ya think we could be walking into a trap?" Raelynn asked, not quite sure what to make of this.

"I don't know," the commander's voice turned dead serious, with a touch of fear hidden somewhere in there. "Be careful."


"Don't worry," Lisa interjected. "We'll be watching from here. We'll do whatever we can."

Before taking his sister and walking out, Ryu felt it necessary to leave off with a few fitting words.

"Thank you for all of this."


Above: Moonie's Theme - Theme of Fei-Long, Street Fighter IV

Cybil (2018) #projectsuper Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ