Chapter 67: Criminal Intent

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As she waited for an opening, Cybil moved along the masses of people who had been too stunned to evacuate with the others. She wondered who exactly was behind the evacuation in the first place.

Of course, there wasn't time to dwell on that. All she could afford to have her mind on was playing her role. Corrin, by this point, had started to keep their adversary busy, giving Moonie an opportunity to slink away from the battle.

Her stomach churned as she heard a certain murmuring that she couldn't quite catch as she moved along the back of the restaurant, toward the staff area. Why was it bothering her?

She pushed aside the feeling and tucked herself away. She needed to wait.

Meanwhile, Max had apparently found his perch, because once Corrin very intentionally dodged a series of blows and stepped a decent distance back, the boy came hurtling at his foe with amazing speed.

Caught off guard, the man roared as he found himself on the ground for the first time. Cybil hurried to the side of the other fighters to aid them in case they got overwhelmed.

"Sniveling little brats! You couldn't let me eat in peace, could you?"

"No." Max said coldly, not letting up on the stranglehold he had on the man's collar. "You aren't exactly the right kind of clientele."

To everyone's confusion, he then began to chuckle in a slow build.

The boy's expression wavered. "What's so funny?"

The man looked at all of the heroes with a twisted grin. "I just want to remember your faces. That way, when I hunt each and every one of you down, I know where to find you..."

Max's mounting anger got the best of him, and he responded to this by head butting the antagonist into unconsciousness.

Everyone stood in dead silence as that dark threat hung in the air.

"I really hope he can't make good on that threat..." Moonie mumbled, still in a daze.

"Hmph. His type talks big, but their actions are another matter. A deranged terrorist with a big mouth is still a threat, though."

He got Moonie up to support him as he teetered over to speak with everyone properly. He was gently leaned on the ninja's arm.

"You realize that you could have died there, right?" Corrin's rebuke was like that of a parent scolding their child.

A tear came down the Korean boy's face. "I... I wanted to do something with these powers that I'm stuck with other than sit here and pull them out as party favors every now and then..."

"As for you, come here." Max was obviously referring to her and directing her to the back, but she was still overloaded with all she had to process.

He sighed. He would have to physically carry her along, it seemed. "Let's go... Hermana. We have much to discuss..."

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