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A tired Brooke woke up. She noticed that it was well past the time she usually woke up. Being a country girl she usually woke up before the sun rose. It was already 7 in the morning. She hurriedly brushed her teeth and wore her dri-fit and got ready for a jog. When she was finished with her jog she noticed A very intoxicated Ruan. He was behaving very rudely to the valet and other hotel staff while he was being dragged to his suite by two of his friends.

Each and everything she learns about Ruan made her doubt her family's decision and her acceptance to get married to Ruan. she questioned herself if she should continue or break this engagement. She again decided to talk to Ruan before telling her parents about her concerns. Brooke was upset and she decided to take a leisure bath before diving into the problematic real world.

She was unable to meet Ruan as they were packing up and vacating the resort. Everyone were going back to the Rajvansh residence from the resort.  Brooke was requested to stay with the Rajvansh family  for the period of her study. That way she will be able to understand the Knick knacks of running the rajvansh residence, adjusting and becoming the part of the Rajvansh family.

She was given a room in the guest house for the time period. After Ruan moves out from the main house she would be given a room in the main house. For some reason the elders didn't want them together in the main house.

Post lunch her parents helped her settle in the guest house. Later,they had to leave to their home town as some issues in the farm needed immediate attention. After a tearful goodbye Brooke took a nap. AS soon as she woke up she took a walk in the beautiful garden. Brooke was enjoying swinging in the swings in the garden, when she noticed Ruan walking towards her.

She was contemplating how to phrase her questions. She did not want to offend Ruan or come off as demanding.

"are you alright?" Asked Ruan bringing her out of her thoughts. "I have been talking to you for a few minutes, but you seem to be lost in your thoughts." Continued Ruan. " am I disturbing you? do you wish to be alone?" He kept questioning not letting her get a word in.

Brooke waited until he took a breath and started answering before he could keep questioning her. "yes, I am fine. I am sorry I did not hear you before. No you are not disturbing me and  I would very much like your company. I would like to ask you about few things. "

" ya, sure" he smiled sheepishly understanding that he had asked too many questions continuously.

" I hate smoking and people who smoke." Brooke stated. Before she could continue Ruan quipped "that's not a question" with a smile. Brooke was pleased that he was still smiling and waiting for her to continue. That signifies that he is not offended by my statement and he is willing to listen. "I am ok with you having an occasional drink or two but I did not like the way you behaved yesterday at the resort. You were completely intoxicated and were so rude." She continued.

But Ruan was just maintaining a facade while fuming on the inside. ' how dare this imbecile berate me. If you become my Wife I would teach you not to open your mouth you ogre.' Scolding her in his mind while maintaining a sweet facade.

" I wish you would quit smoking and be considerate about how much you drink." requested Brooke when Ruan remained silent.

' oh god she has already started demanding. Is this how my life is going to be? I wish I could throw her out of this house and be done with it. But I cannot do anything because of my stupid parents and their rules. Now how should I pacify this bojo here?' Thought Ruan.

Brooke was patiently waiting for Ruan to answer. A few minutes passed by in silence when Ruan asked. "how much time are you willing to give me?"

A thousand thoughts ran through her mind. If it was up to her she would ask him to stop it immediately but she did not want to come of as unreasonable. "As soon you are willing to agree upon."

"I like that side of my life but you are going to be my better half, so I am going to stop but it may take a while. For now, I will definitely not over indulge in any of those activities." Ruan said trying to maintain the good guy facade.

Brooke liked his honest reply and was satisfied with his answer yet her intuition was nagging her to set a deadline. " Are you willing to promise that you will stop before our marriage?" Asked Brooke to appease herself.

Ruan agreed. After that they started talking like old friends. Brooke was happy. Ruan was acting like a perfect gentleman. They had a peaceful dinner with his family and retired to their respective rooms.

Meanwhile in the Rajvansh residence. " I want you to train her become the Mistress of this empire just like you. She is too naive to handle this empire." Instructed Veer Kumar Rajvansh.

"Then why did you choose her? Her personality is a total opposite to what you are expecting." Questioned Meena Rajvansh.

" she is like a fresh clay. We can mould her into something which would fit all our expectations. She respects elders and would willingly do what we ask of her." Answered Veer.

" what if she doesn't?" Protested meena.

" you don't have to worry your pretty little head about it my dear Wife. If we can't make her do certain things. Her parents will.  She will be a very good Wife to our Son and will become a great mistress to this rajvansh empire." Said Veer.

Meena knew that Veer was a clever man and if he is telling something with so much confidence then he must have something over her parents or at least one of them. She smiled at him understanding what he was not saying. Veer returned her smile.

Hello my readers,
Here is an update as promised. Hope you enjoy reading it.
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