Part 11

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Three years down the line.

Veronica barged into Brooke's office and shouted.

" Are you out of your mind, Brooke? Why would you hire that murderer as the twins Nanny/bodyguard ?"  Veronica couldn't understand how Brooke could make such a decision. It did not make any sense to her.

Those girls were Brooke's world. She was a human only around them and an ice queen around others.

Brooke just glanced at Veronica, said "no I am not" in a nonchalant manner and went back to the paperwork at her hands.

Veronica changed hyper and threw the nearest file rack down before banging on Brooke's table. "Give me a good reason why you did so before I turn this whole place to ruins and then strangle you." She fumed.

Brooke was amused by the theatrical image Veronica created with her words. Understand that she need to clear up Veronica's assumptions before she can peacefully continue to work, she let out a deep breath, removed her glasses, sat straight and asked "what do you, want to know?"

"I want to know what made you choose a murderer over other qualified nannies you had the opportunity to choose from." Veronica enunciated while gritting her teeth.

" Do you know, whom he killed? Why he killed or for what he killed?" Brooke asked in a calm voice.

"Yes, I heard everyone talking that, he assaulted his previous employer for protecting her daughter from being raped by his friends.he also pushed the daughter out a window and killed her."  Yelled Veronica

" do you have proof to support your story? did you talk to his previous co-workers to confirm the story? Did you talk to the jailer Incharge of his prison cell? Did you talk to his inmates? Do you really think I would let anyone who are incapable or dangerous near my daughters?" Asked Brooke.

After hearing these questions Veronica calmed down a bit and doubting her perspective.

"Before you ask, yes I did find out why he did what he did. He assaulted the mother because she tried to sell of her own daughter so she could get her hands on some drugs. The girl jumped out of the window to save herself but the rope she tied on the window ridge , couldn't withstand her weight and she fell through the glass roof of the greenhouse below the window, causing a head injury. she has been in coma ever since. You can find her in XYZ hospital under a different name. The Mother, came from a well know family, and that family helped her cover up the mishap, fabricating the story you said and letting the poor guy rot in jail for the past 8 years, he was just pardoned recently on good behaviour and being unable to find proper evidence to convict him.
      You know Sofia and Mia need someone like him protecting them. He won't hesitate to protect them from their own parents if the need be." Explained Brooke.

Understanding the shuttle message Brooke was trying to convey, Veronica rushed to Brooke's side and kissed her forehead while hugging her. "I am sorry I doubted you, You know I love those girls like my own. As soon as I heard about that guy. I rushed to question you. That story made me want to thrown that guy out myself. I had to ask you and make sure you weren't Insane, before doing that." Said Veronica.

" why do you think I answered you calmly and put up with your bitchy attitude and crazy tantrums if not for your good heart and unconditional love?" Brooke asked Veronica while raising an eyebrow in a sly manner. " you know I wouldn't have honoured anyone else with an answer. Vincent is a nice guy. He will be a best role model to be around the girls."

Brooke's office phone rang and she picked up the call.

Before she could utter a word a voice boomed through the receiver." Brooke where are you?what's delaying you, this never happened before, are you alright?" Asked Bronn, panicking for Brooke's welfare.

She was so punctual, always on the dot, Brooke frowned a bit, wondering what made her forget her time schedule? " I will be there in a minute don't worry." She said getting back in her robot ice queen business mode. Until now she showed only little compassion and empathy towards her daughter and Veronica. Others could never guess what or how she was like.

"Bye Veronica." She said and left immediately.

She was a savage in the meeting room. She never sugarcoats anything. All the ideas to solve the patent rights issue for one of our products was flushed out, because the questions she posed regarding the challenges they could meet were unsolved. Later she presented with a solution and nobody could debate with.She had a wonderful team to take care of her.she had big buffy guys and petite girls who were just like firecrackers, compassionate, young and old experienced persons.

Her team supported her whole heartedly, because they believed in her. She was a leader. She rarely came to the office, but when she did, every one were alert, for she identified everyone , the bench warmers, the hard workers, the smart workers.

She did not interact directly with anyone but she made sure everyone who was working under her did their best and learned all the required skills, which helped them grow within the company. It also gave them a enough courage and knowledge to grow and made them most wanted by all other recruiters across the globe.

Anyone working under her guidance was lucky, but they hardly knew what she was doing with them. Only few realised what she was doing and slowly those few people became fond of the ice princess.

As soon as the meeting ended. Brooke exited the board room like a majestic lioness.  Bronn decided to follow her suit. The rest of the board room relaxed as soon as Bronn exited the board room too.

Bronn came back peeped in and said "you all better start working on Brooke's proposal" with a cheeky grin left every one to tumble a bit when they tried to sit properly thinking Brooke had come back.

Bronn was very protective of Brooke to him Brooke was as much a sister as Veronica was.

"How is our retired prisoner doing?" He teased Brooke as soon as he caught up with her. His only response was a slight annoyance on her face.

He had his own sources check anyone and everyone who was around Brooke. He was very protective of Brooke. Though Brooke's team did a great Job he always made a I sure that it was not any other way. There was nothing wrong with double checking the facts.

Soon Veronica joined them and they were on the way to meet their god daughters.


Note: since Brianne changes her identity she goes by the name Veronica here on.

Love you all my dear readers for patiently waiting for the next update. Here it is.
Hope you all like it. Do leave a comment about what you think.

Thank you,
With lots of love

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