Part 5

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The fresh air and the smell of the soil in her land was a pleasant welcome to her. Brooke had missed her village. Removing her shoes she let her feet sink into the soil and enjoyed the cool feeling enveloping her feet. She sent her luggage with her father's assistant who came to pick her up to drop her home and asked him to inform that she will be walking back home.

Humming a tune to herself, she started her walk, stopping every few seconds to enjoy the beautiful surroundings and to take a selfie. She reached home an hour later only to be scolded by her caring Mother for going out in the sun and becoming darker.

Though Brooke loved her Mother she hated the fact that her Mother wanted her to look fairer in complexion. Brooke believed that beauty is in one's character rather than in their looks.

She then got refreshed taking a bath, had a lite breakfast and took a nap. Once she woke up she went to look for her Father. She heard him talking to his friend back in their garden. What she overheard when she approached her Father left her stunned and shook her to the core.

Her father had invested everything they had with a new project with the rajvansh telecom and he was afraid the project was heading no where. Her in-laws are his partners and they were acting aloof not giving proper account for the investment.

Seeing her approach her father changed the subject, acting happy but Brooke was stern and did not let her Father hide anything from her.
She probed her Father with question after question. When she gathered all the information she understood what a mess her family were in due to their tie up with the rajvansh's family.

When the  gravity of the situation settled in she felt trapped. If she did not want hundreds of family to suffer a cruel fate. If she did not want her Father to die of shame, She has to abide by the rules of the rajvansh family and marry Ruan and become the perfect Daughter in law they want her to be.

The day went by after that incident.That night she cried desperately and prayed to the universe to get her out of this situation. She prayed for an out from this situation at any cost.

The only consoling thing about this situation was, she was marrying Ruan. The ray of light in the darkness enveloping her.

Understanding that there is nothing she can do, at least for now, she decided to face her life one day at a time.

She tried being happy for the next two days with her mother and her childhood friends but her heart dwelled on the dread she would be facing soon. Those thoughts never let her actually be happy, so she faked being happy for the sake of others. She made up fairytale stories about her life for her friends to imagine.

Soon she was the envy of her village, but only she knew how bad life can be with such so called royals. How her smile was measured in millimeters. How she had to wear uncomfortable dresses which she hated in the name of fashion and themes. But facing everything day by day, hour by hour and minute by minute made it easier for her to bear and sometimes forget how awful her brain was picturing her future to be.

That night she decided to live the life as it plays out to be. While she packed her things to return to the Rajvansh mansion she prepared herself to bear everything and do things as much as she can to live in the situation as happy as possible.

When she returned everyone in the rajvansh mansion acted as they used to. The only difference was Ruan knew how miserable she was, though she bore everything uncomfortable to her day by day she never showed much about how bad she was to Ruan as she did not want him to be burdened by her situation.

The daily calls kept their long distance relationship alive. Her love for him blossomed 10 fold at the end of two years.

Ruan enjoyed his life. He liked how easily he could manipulate Brooke. He was good at everything but monogamy. Why should he stick to one girl only if  all the exotic varieties served themselves on a silver platter?  As the years went by he developed a Soft spot for Brooke. Though he manipulated her to his will he loved her  a little bit and decided to keep her happy and ignorant about his sex life.

He had grown used to talking to her every morning. It gave a boost to his ego to see Brooke fawning over him and expressing her innocent love.

Sometimes he wonders how Brooke came to fall in love with him. She was an intelligent and smart girl who was going to finish her engineering degree a year ahead of her batch mates as She had the required credits to graduate early. Her love for him was blind.

He  called brooke as usual  and talked to her lovingly and after the call was over, he went to kick out the girl who was still sleeping after last night's rendezvous. 

"May be one day I could be satisfied just with having Brooke. Nah not anytime soon." he thought to himself.Then he dressed himself and got ready to go and attend his university lecture.

Irrespective of all the other flaws, Ruan was good at one thing. He was a very good student. Girls was attracted to him because he was smart and wealthy. He wanted to taste all types of gold diggers. Sometimes some innocent girls fell for his act. They even stayed friends after he tried them, because he was that good at being a playboy.

May be karma would bite his ass one day. For now Ruan did not care about it.

Finally I was able to update a new chapter. Hope you all like this one.

I know this chapter is on the fast track. Yet I hope you will like this.


Shining BrookeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant