Part 10

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Brianne flew down immediately she was curious what the other girl wanted from her.
When she entered the house. Even her brother was shocked to see her. The transformation she underwent was quite drastic.

In spite of his shock he hugged her and welcomed her. "God you look awful" he said teasing her. "Shut up Bronn. I know you love my new look. I look more like your sister now than before"

"Yes" Bronn admitted "you look more like my twin now. You know how much I like myself so it's obvious I approve of you new look."

"So where is the other me? What is her name?" Brianne asked.

Just then Bronn realised that she never told him any information about herself not even her name. "Beats me. She wouldn't say anything. May be she will talk to you. She is upstairs, come I will take you to her" said Bronn.

Brooke had just finished feeding her daughters, when Brianne arrived. "Hmm, I wonder how you thought she was me? Though her face resembles almost similar to mine, she looks nothing like me. She is a tad bit taller than me and her shoulders are broader than mine. We could pass off as sisters but people who know me will definitely see that. I am a bit disappointed in you Brother. How could you identify her as me?" She ranted.

Bronn just gave a look and Brianne calmed herself and finally introduced herself to a very stunned Brooke who was silently staring at the pair. Brooke could never picture the woman before her as an innocent being as Bronn had described. When she came out of her shocked stance she heard Brianne ask her for her name.

"I am Brooke" she introduced herself. "Can I talk to you alone?" She asked and immediately Brianne shooed her brother out.

After Bronn was out of the room even before Brooke could continue the conversation, Brianne hugged her and said in a sad breathless voice "I am glad you are alive." When she released Brooke, Brooke noticed that she had tears brimming her eyes.

Soon they started talking and poured their hearts out about the assholes who ruined their lives until now.

"Hmm so what do you want to do now?" Asked Brianne.

"I would like to keep your name for now, until I know exactly what my state is back home before I take my name back?  Is that possible?" Asked Brooke.

"Sure sweetie, for now I am Veronica McKinney, and I am not planning to take my old name back so you can use your name my name anything related to my identity. I don't care. Wish it would do you some good. My name was very unlucky for me. I don't know why but I feel connected to you." Brianne/Veronica said.

It took a few days for them to get adjusted to each other and everything. Soon Veronica and Brooke were on the plane to India with Shika and Srivika Brooke's two beautiful daughters who were very beautiful three months olds.

"Hi, where were you?, we are about to land." Said Brooke.

"I was trying to join the mile high club, but the cute flight attendant wouldn't budge, I wasted all my energy on flirting with that guy, huh." Veronica huffed a reply while bucking up and holding Srivika.

The flight down while landing was far better than take off, since the babies were sleeping.

As soon as we were out of the plane, a convoy of vehicles took us to Veronica's place, which was right beside the Rajvanshs.

That evening a detective came to meet her with a file containing all the details about Brooke's parents and her so called Husband.

Learning that her parents were dead put her in a catatonic state. Veronica did not know if Brooke heard any of the other details that the detective was explaining. But hearing all the details, Veronica was pissed off. "Why are there so many assholes in this beautiful planet ruining such wonderful and innocent girls like herself and Brooke.' Veronica thought.

Brooke was devastated. Something inside her died the moment she learned that her parents died.
The first thought that came to after knowing that Ruan married someone else, Was to save the girl from Rajvansh's hands.

So she planned to meet up his new Wife and warn her before it is too late.

The detective was through with his work. So it was easy for Brooke to plan an accidental meet up with the new Mrs.Ruan. Brooke and Veronica joined the gym she frequented.

The next morning Veronica and Brooke went to the Gym.

At the end of the session, when Brooke and Veronica came back home, Brooke was sitting speechless and Veronica was laughing her guts out.

"You know he deserved it. I can't stop laughing." Veronica continued to laugh. But seeing Brooke not reacting. Veronica calmed down.

"Hey what happened? Why are you so silent? You should be happy with the way that asshole is living. Aren't you?" Veronica asked Brooke in a voice laced with concern.

" She said, I deserved it, for being so gullible." Said Brooke in an emotion less voice.

"What!?" Questioned Veronica with confusion evident on her face. She sat beside Brooke and looked at her.

"I had a chance to talk to her. Told her who I was, she did not even listen to my story fully, she thanked me for being so gullible, because of which she got such a slave family. And told that if I couldn't manipulate such people I deserved everything I got." Brooke said feeling lost.

"Forget it my dear. They deserve each other." Said Veronica while hugging Brooke sideways.

"Now I think I can move on. Let me go back to my native have a good look at what used to be my happy place and let's go back to Chicago after that. I am ready to take up the offer you and Bronn presented me with." Brooke informed Veronica with determination.

Veronica felt happy and worried. She felt happy that Brooke would be coming back with her and worried that she is becoming more like a robot and Not a human.

Hi dear readers,
Hope you like this update. How do you like the story? Do you like Veronica or Brooke? Who is reacting well to the trauma they face?what do you think?

Thank you,
With love

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