Part 14

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Warning**strong Language usage ahead ****

Weeks later,Veronica was there to meet Brooke at her office. "Bitch, I hate you. I heard you are having all the fun, playing with that despicable human, how dare you not include me?" fake fumed Veronica. "Spill now." She exclaimed with a growl,when Brooke did not react to her fuming.

"I heard that you have been making RUAN run around the whole country? I want in." She demand without any preamble banging on the desk with both hands. She immediately regretted it because she broke her nail. "bitch you made me break my nail" she cried dramatically.

"I am not going to dignify you with an answer until you stop talking like a third grade hooker." Brooke said nonchalantly without looking up at Veronica.

"Sorry haven't got out of yesterday's role play. I think being a hooker, suits me far better, I am a natural, leaning over the desk trying to intimidate Brooke. Brooke gave her a nonchalant bland look, when Veronica showed no inclination to getting out of her role play, Brooke raised an eye brow, indirectly challenging her to drop the act if she wanted any information.  Veronica knew, her friend was not the one to give up, she had the patience to wait until Veronica dropped her act, and Veronica was impatient to get more information on that bastard Ruan.

So she immediately dropped her act, "tell me" she spoke on a soft voice filled with concern, Veronica knew, inspire of being so strong Brooke became vulnerable when it came to Ruan. That bastard broke her in many ways, thank god Brooke was a very strong person who overcame her naive version.

"He has been trying to find his heir." Brooke said while looking faraway at her window. " His ex-wife was unfaithful to him and their son was proved not to be his son. Now he has to legally produce an heir to the trust committee, else he would loose all his inheritance.

"Oh, how did he know that you had his children, we made sure he did not come to know about it." Veronica wondered aloud.

" I think his ex-wife had us investigated when we went to warn her. She must have guessed that I had his child as it's conclusion. She did not get much information but she told Ruan that I had his child and was alive. He has been searching for us like a mad man since then." Brooke shared all the information she was withholding, she couldn't stop once she started sharing.

" I have been deflecting him, with wrong information regarding our whereabouts. I am scared, I don't know if I should give him a chance to know the girls or the girls to know their father. Should I really let my past cloud the girl's future?" Brooke asked Veronica.

Veronica went over to Brooke, sat on the arm of Brooke's chair and gave her a side hug. Not letting her go, she said, "so you would willingly lead your daughter in the path of fire? It's good that you are guarding them. There is no need for the girls to get burned. You have suffered enough at their hands." While resting her cheek on Brooke's head.

Brooke looked dead for a minute, then she moved a bit, Veronica loosens her hold a bit, Brooke looks up at Veronica and asks her the question that has been eating her up. " I was wondering, irrespective of them being mean, Rude and breaking me, the Rajvanshs has always taken care of their blood well, so I couldn't stop wondering if I am depriving the girls of their father's love."

"Oh Brooke" Veronica cries softly, she knew Brooke needed some TLC right now, and not an actual answer, she got down from the arm of the chair kneeled in front of Brooke, and gave her a tight hug. After a minute or two passed by while Veronica soothes Brooke's worry through her hug, she released Brooke from her hug, but did not let Brooke's hands go, she tightly held Brooke's hands and assured her, "Brooke you are a wonderful Mother, don't doubt yourself." Veronica caught onto the exactly what Brooke's worry was. "You have done an excellent job bringing up the girls, so far. I tell you no one, not even myself, could have done a great job after what you have u have gone through. Please don't beat yourself up." She consoled Brooke

"What should I do Roni? It has been the most difficult conundrum for me. How do I handle it?"  Brooke looked at her with lot of expectations. Veronica senses the burden that has been weighing on Brooke's conscience.

"Why don't you take a step back and do nothing?" Veronica suggests.

"What do you mean?" Exclaimed Brooke.

"Do nothing. If he finds you, then we will take it from there. From the information we have gathered we know that Ruan hardly has any time left. Utmost a week or two. If he is able to reach you with in that time frame it was meant to be, that you give him a chance to get to know the girls, else let bygones be bygones." Veronica explains.

Brooke mused over the idea for a few minutes soon she determined that leaving it to chance would take away the burden she was bearing right now. She ran the worst case scenarios through her head, when she analysed all possible outcomes and concluded that she was ready to face the worst possible outcome if she chose to leave the situation to chance, she became thoroughly convinced that, what Veronica suggested was the best solution to her problem. She gave Veronica a tight hug and returned to the kind hearted ice princess she was known to be.

"Roni, I have approved the funds you requested. I trust in you. It's high time you got back to doing what you love." Brooke informed Veronica.

"I know." Veronica smiled at Brooke. Those two words had a lot more meaning than what was meant to be.

They got back to running the multimillion dollar empire.

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