Part 9

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Brooke woke up to immense pain radiating in her body. When she opened her eyes a blurry image was frantically moving around her and when she gained her sight she saw two doctors and a nurse rushing to her side. They checked her vitals and the doctor said " ms.Brianne is in labour. Inform her guardian and inform dr.Nandhana that...." the rest were spoken in medical jargon which eluded her.

Brooke was unable to comprehend what was going on. She understood she was in the hospital but why were they calling her Brianne?? Where exactly is she, where were her parents? Where was Ruan? Once she recalled his name, all the things that happened onslaught her, before she could fully comprehend her memory again an immense pain radiated through her back, after a few minutes the pain subsided a bit and Brooke understood what had happened with her.

She had recalled how she came to surprise Ruan how she was used and discarded, she did not remember how she came to the hospital after that, when she tried recalling she saw a bright light coming towards her, after that everything was blank. Suddenly she remembered what the doctor said, they said she was in labor. Then she looked down and noticed a swollen stomach.

she was disoriented and wanted to blank out again but her brain was overworking and a lot of thoughts kept popping up and she was unable to dwell on the thoughts like 'Was this Ruan's baby, she did not even know she was pregnant and she is already in labour? If the calculations were right she was in the hospital for at least 9 months. But who is ms.brianne why were they calling her ms.brianne? Was the Guardian they mentioned Ruan?'

A doctor came in then and tried to explain what was happening with her. Since she was on bed for past nine plus months, it was risky for her to have a normal delivery. So they were planning for a cesarean. Since she woke up just now from a long coma GA , general anaesthesia is also not a safe option , so they wanted to give her local anaesthesia and proceed. When she nodded. They started arranging for a cesarean delivery.

Soon the procedure was complete and she was blessed with healthy baby girls.

When Bronn was informed about Brianne, he did not know how to react. Now that the girl was awake he did Not know what he should do first. He cursed fate for putting him through such unnatural situation. Then he called the real Brianne, who was in another state to ask for guidance. Brianne advices him to come clean as soon as possible and Bronn decides to do the same.

He went to the hospital and was waiting in the waiting area, for the Doctors. They had already informed him that, Brianne(Brooke) was undergoing the surgery and he can meet her after that.

After half an hour, two pretty little angels were brought out of the operation theatre. Looking at them Bronn fell in love with them. They were taken to the baby care unit their Mother recovered from the surgery.

Yet an hour later Bronn was informed that he could meet his Sister. Dreading the meeting he went in.

Brooke was a bit disappointed when she realised it was not Ruan. She was half expecting her Guardian to be Ruan, but when a unknown guy came in she felt all the anguish she felt the instant she knew Ruan's true Color. She cursed herself for being stupidly in love with Ruan.

"Hi" said Bronn softly "I am Bronn McKinney. I know you have lot of questions for me but I cannot answer you yet. You can be discharged today evening. So I shall tell you everything after that. Can you please hold on to your questions until then?"

Brooke nodded she wanted more time to arrange her thoughts before she started questioning him. Bronn smiled and said "for now, you are my sister Brianne. Please bare with it though it may feel uncomfortable" She again nodded with a frown on her face. She herself did not know why she was agreeing to this stranger. But this guy did not seem like a threat so Brooke agreed.

As Soon as her two angels were brought to her, Her heart felt heavy. She did not know she was pregnant and now she was already a Mother? Everything was so fast. She needed more time to adjust to the fact that she was a Mother to Two beautiful baby girls.

She was mechanically doing all what was needed for the girls as suggested by the Nurses and Doctors. Seeing her almost reaching a state of melancholy , Doctors suggested Bronn to take Brianne(Brooke) to a psychologist.

Soon Brianne (Brooke) was discharged after all the formalities and Bronn took her to his house. Once they were there Bronn started explaining how he though she was Brianne and what happened until now.

"So if you could just tell me how you looked before then we can arrange for your plastic surgery soon" finished Bronn.

For the first time Brooke looked at her face and realised that someone else was staring back at her.

She was silent for a Long time, then asked Bronn "what is your name?, I seem to have forgotten it."

Bronn introduced himself again. "I am Bronn McKinley"

"What do you want me to do now? What are your expectations?" Asked Brooke in a monotonous voice.

Bronn was annoyed by the monotonous robotic voice the girl was speaking in yet answered her questions patiently.

"Hmm, I have told you what happened. It was my mistake that your face resembles my sister, at least how she used to look." Brooke raises an eyebrow at this and Bronn further explained, irritatedly thinking, I would not have spoken so much in my entire life, compared to how much I have to talk to this girl. "Her face too was scarred, since she was already going under the knife my Sister desired to make a few changes. She wanted to loose her innocent looking face and look more sinister and unapproachable."

"okay, coming back to the main thing, if you give me your details I will help you regain your face and identity. Then you can be on your way." Said Bronn.

Uttering just a "Hmm." Brooke started thinking.

"I want to talk to your Sister before I decide on anything." Brooke requested.

For some unknown reason Brooke was not afraid of Bronn. She felt safe in his presence. So she stayed with her daughters, whom she was yet to get emotionally attached with, in Bronn's mansion.

Brooke's request was passed on to Brianne, she flew down to USA immediately.

Hi my lovely readers,
Hope you all enjoy reading this story. Love you all. Thanks for all your votes comments and shares.


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