Part -3

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As Brooke plopped down on her bed, she let out a loud groan. Thank god she had her privacy in her room and she was "allowed" to act as she wished.

The etiquette lessons were killing her. Constant instructions about what to do and what not to do were giving her a head ache. Don't smile more often than needed, don't show your teeth, don't slouch. That is not the right fork you are using. Wear this,don't wear that. Everything was nitpicked, from her underwear to the bobby pins she used. It was throughly frustrating.

she felt like a thief owning a lot of unnecessary things. She tried to console herself, as she was not the one buying anything and she donated as much as she could do away with. That's the only thing the Rajvansh family and herself agreed on. They did it because they looked good in the society and she did it because it brought peace to her.

She had a stylist to style her hair every morning. And the layers of make up and jewellery she had to wear to every social gathering was exhausting.

She had to follow a schedule for everything and she did not have any time to let her Creative juices flow as she was trying to keep up with all these instructions. Someone else was deciding everything in her life for her and she has started to slightly resent who she was becoming. She has hardly made any progress towards her goals and that was eating her up.

The only thing for which she was willing to go through all this pain was for Ruan. Her love. Though she had her doubts at first. He proved her otherwise.He and she were made for each other. She believed what she was going through was for the best if it brings her and  Ruan together. Once she got married she can get back to her research full time as she will be living with Ruan in the USA for few years.

Ruan was a perfect gentleman and he has also stopped smoking. He occasionally drinks but he knows his limit. Almost six months have passed since his departure and the only thing she was looking forward to every day was FaceTiming with him every night exactly at 10 Pm. He called her as soon as he was finished with his early morning chores, before going to college. The 14 hour time difference was making it really hard to catchup with each other.

As she showered and got ready for bed she was reminiscing her dates with Ruan. They went out on such amazing dates. They had only three dates before Ruan left the country. All three were spectacular. He understood her interests. So their first date was to the museum. The second one was to the beach resort and the third one was to the solar plant at the airport.

She started missing him a lot and that is when she understood that she has fallen in love with him. Neither of them have told the "L" word to each other but they understood that how much they cared for each other.

She was brought out of her dream world when her handphone started ringing. She smiled smiled enthusiastically and jumped on to bed to attend his call.

"Hi" squeaked Brooke when she saw his face. "Hi"  replies Ruan in a pleasant voice. "How have you been? You look tired. Are you taking on much more than you can handle? Don't do that you need your rest." Ruan went on as usual. Though his rambling is sometimes annoying as he never lets her get a word in, she found it cute. The worry and concern he had for her makes her fall in love with him deeper Everyday.

" I am fine. You don't have to worry."  Brooke answered with a smile. They had only few minutes to catch up. Content after talking to him. She slept peacefully.

It was so hard to keep a straight face when he was experiencing such pleasure. His yesterday's conquest had such a talented mouth. What was her name again?? He thought. Ah what does it matter? He can ask her once she was done pleasuring him. He pushed her off as soon as he exploded and rushed to the toilet, to wash up and look presentable again.

" When can I see you again?" Asked his yesterday's conquest. Ruan was never rude with the female species, he liked their company and kept up a good rapport with his one night stands and cut them loose smoothly.

"Oh sweetheart. You are a wonderful girl but I don't feel that connection with you. Hope you understand." Ruan replies emotionally.

But the girl saw right through his facade " you are a Son of a B***h. Wait and watch karma will bite your ass." She shouted. For good measure she threw the hot chocolate she made  on his face and rushed out.

Ruan was pissed. He has never experienced anything like this. His temper was rising since he got delayed due to the stunt that girl pulled. After yet another shower, he dressed up in a hurry to reach his first lecture. This is not how he pictured himself today. He decided, He should be carful of whom he brings back to his place from now on. He wanted to get back at her when she least expected it. Ruan regretted not remembering her name. But as he browsed through Facebook he got her name soon enough.

During his break, his thoughts shifted to Brooke and a smile formed on his face. He was happy. He liked how gullible his Wife to be was. She hung to every word he spoke. It was a good thing that he decided to be nice to her. He knew, She was going to be disappointed after marrying him, after marriage, He wouldn't  have to act like such a nice gentleman all the time. Once she gives him an heir he was free to do as he wished. His parents won't restrict him after that. Sighing he continued his day.

Hi my dear readers,

Here is the update for this Sunday.
Hope you all enjoy it.

Thank you for all your votes and comments.


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