Part 12

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The kids were waiting for Brooke's arrival. As soon as she entered the house she was offered a tight hug. Instantaneously the kids noticed their favourite godfather and godmother behind her and rushed to them. Each one clung to Bronn and Veronica talking their ear off with their day's adventures.

After they had dinner, Bronn took the girls out for ice cream. Brooke was blessed with well behaved talented girls who were strong and matured for their age. They were an engima. Admired by their peers Teachers and everyone who had come across them.

They were mature for their age and understood not to talk or ask about their father. They asked Brooke once about him, she told them " he is not in our life, you girls are too young to understand my reasoning, but I will tell you when you become as tall as mamma." The girls noticed that their mother had lost the light in her eyes when she talked about their father so they never cared to ask about him after that.

Brooke poured herself a drink and sat before the fire place. She was reminiscing her past while looking at the fire. Brooke had to face a lot of challenges to reach this level. The frustrations and trials she went through was humongous. It took a lot of time before she could command this kind of respect. In the male chauvinist society where all her ideas were thawed just because she was a women, made her explode with success after success when she refused to bow down and kept facing her trial after trial.  A woman's instinct is shouldn't be taken lightly, it grows tenfold when she becomes a mother.

She learnt the hard way that one can never be good to everyone especially if you are a boss. But she never lost her compassion, she slowly learnt not to show it, as many people took advantage of her companionate nature.

She was asleep on the couch when Bronn and the girls came back. Bronn shushed the excited girls, Asked them to brush their teeth and put them to bed. Once they were asleep he came back picked Brooke up from the sofa and laid her gently on the bed. He kissed her forehead. Said goodnight. Bronn though about how innocent she looked, when she slept, not at all like the lionsss she roared in the boardroom just this morning. Then he went to the guest room and slept off.

Brooke woke up and looked at the time, finding herself in the bedroom, Brooke realised that she had slept through the night. She finished her morning routine and dressed up in a sleeveless vest and a loose jeans. Came to the kitchen. Prepared the children's favourite breakfast, idly in various shapes.

Then she woke Bronn up, and then went to the garage to work on the car she was building. She liked to keep herself occupied because idle mind was a devil's workshop. Whenever she sat idle she felt herself falling into the abyss of her past mistakes.

Bronn found her lifting a heavy equipment to be put into the car, unlike her he had zero interest in cars or it's parts. Many find it amusing to tease him for not having any inkling about the mechanism of cars. He let them have their fun teasing him. It's not that he did not have the knowledge about cars, just that it never interested him.

He sat beside the car on a chair silently going through the news on his phone while Brooke worked on.

Suddenly Bronn received a mail stating urgent.
It stated that  Ruan Rajvansh has seemed out a detective to find Brooke.

"Brooke" he called her in a strained voice. Brooke looked up from her work. Looking at the pained look on Bronn's face she immediately rushed beside him.  He stood up, made her sit in the chair he was sitting and handed his phone to her.

"Make sure he finds nothing." She said without any reaction and went back to working on her car.

Bronn shook his head with a smile, because he expected her to break apart instead she showed him that she has grown up to be a strong woman that none of the members of Rajvansh family can shake.

Brooke wanted to find out why Ruan was looking for her after so long when he had moved on and had his own family.

She immediately worked out a plan. She always had one of here trustworthy friend keep tabs on him. Who was asked not even to mention his name until she asked for the information. For the past years she never even contacted her confidant and one of her best friend radha.

She kept on working on the car which gave her a way to physically exert herself and concentrate on something rather than thinking about the issue at hand.

We're the girls ready to listen to her explanation?

She did not want them to hate their father just like that. So she planned on telling the gist about what had happened in the past later on in their life. But maybe it was time to let them know. They are mature for their age may be they would understand. Anyhow it was her duty to do so. She cannot trust Ruan.

He is a manipulative bastard and he can very well ruin her and her children's bonding if he put his mind unto it and there are laws in favour of him, which would at the least guarantee him visitation right.

She felt Bronn's hand on her shoulder, she gave him a smile and Bronn squeezed her shoulder lightly to show her his support. She knew Bronn would kill Ruan before he could harm her or her children so she knew she was never completely alone. Let it be Ruan or any other bastard, come what may, hell or high water. She is prepared to face everything.

She went back to her room changed her dress and woke her daughters up. Thay had a wonderful day at home.


Hi my dearest readers,
Finally a new update.
Love you all. Keep supporting me.
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