Part 6

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Today Brooke was getting ready to surprise Ruan. She had already told him that she is going on a field trip with her friends. So he won't be calling her for the next two days.
She looked at his picture and started talking to him. To be precise, talking to his picture.

"Oh, my oh so handsome Husband to be. I am going to surprise you. I know you will be too surprised and shocked and when you stand like a statue too shocked to move, I will move forward and ..." she blushed to shy to go on with the conversation, she was having with his photo.

Then she started imagining what she would be doing. How she would hug him, and how she should express her love for him. Though she loved him a lot she was not ready to go all the way. she was willing to go as far as a make out session but nothing else.

Would she be able to stop him if he ever made any advances towards her? She wondered. Though she did not want it to happen, she was not sure if she would stop him, if that's what he wanted from her because she loved him a lot. She had to stop dreaming when she noticed the time in her watch. She was shocked when she realised that she has been caught up in a traffic jam for the past 40 minutes.

The trip to the airport was hectic and the traffic worried her, she hoped she could board the plane on time. There was another hurdle In path when she reached the airport, though she reached the airport before the boarding started, the queue in the entrance of the airport made her wonder again if she could check in before the boarding closes.

While waiting in the queue she saw a girl red in her face, frantically arguing with someone on the phone. From hearing her one-sided conversation she was able to get a gist of her problem. If She was able to access the internet her problem would be solved, so I offered to share my mobile data with her so she could access her E-mail to get a digital copy of her air ticket which would, in turn, grant her a pass to enter the airport.

So Brooke helped her out after introducing herself and got to know more about the other girl. Her name was Dennise and she came to Chennai from Germany on a business trip. Though they were heading to different locations, they were able to bond while waiting in the immigration queue. They talked and talked until it was time for Brooke to board the flight. She had a very relaxing conversation and thanked Dennise, hugged her and went ahead to board her plane.

Even before the flight could take off Brooke fell asleep. she woke up in between to have some food and slept again until it was time to land.

After a tiresome immigration process at The US airport which was new and intense for Brooke, she reached Ruan's place after midnight local time. Brooke was shocked to see a party full swing at his place. She had a tough time  manoeuvring through the crowd. After placing her luggage in Ruan's room she came back, only to be embraced by Someone. She struggled to get out of his grip, she jabbed him with her elbow and when his grip loosened she turned around to find Ruan doubling over in pain.

"Oh mo, oh mo." Realising her mistake she started apologising to him. He asked her to take him to his room through clenched teeth. She helped him get up and Ruan put his hands around her shoulders. She took him to his room and laid him down on the bed. As soon as she laid him  down he pulled her over him and kissed her.

Brooke was too shocked to react, but once she gained her senses back, she pushed him away while breathing heavily. Ruan sat up coming close to her he whispered " you look so beautiful while blushing, you better put some distance between us if you don't want me to kiss you again" .

Immediately she jumped from the bed as if she was electrocuted and stood awkwardly in the room. Ruan walked up to her took her hand in his and kissed it, "I am going back to the party, it will be over soon. Why don't you wait for me until I come back? Please help yourself to anything in the mini fridge. I will send some one with a platter of food."

Brooke nodded her head and Ruan went back to join the party. As soon as Ruan left she jumped on the bed face down, burying her face into the pillow and rolled around while holding the pillow to her face, as she was embarrassed of the way she behaved. Though she had imagined many ways to greet Ruan, a jab to the stomach was not one of them. There was a knock on the door and when she asked them to enter, a guy entered. He had a food platter with various finger food in one hand and a tall glass of orange juice in another.

She adjusted her dress and sat down at the edge of the bed. He placed the food platter on the bedside table and handed her the juice and gave her a wink and sat down on the bean bag opposite to the bed. "So, Beautiful. Which department are you from? I have never seen you in our campus before? By the way I am Chris." He asked Brooke not giving her a chance to answer. She felt a little uneasy and gulped the orange juice in her hand immediately instead of answering him. Before he could pester her with more questions again, She excused herself and went to the toilet. When she came out he was still in the room browsing through the DVD collection. He turned around smiled at me. "You must be hungry why don't you have some thing, they are really good." He told while gesturing towards the food platter.  Brooke just nodded her head when someone knocked on the door. Some other guy popped his head in and said "Hey Chris, stop bothering Ruan's girl and come out" and left us. Chris blew me a kiss and went out.

She let out a breath of relief, sat down and ate some fish fingers. She felt a migraine starting. So she took some medication for it as she did not want it to bother her time with her Ruan. She laid down on the bed to relax, while she waited for Ruan to come back.

A loud sound of door closing woke her up. It took a while for her to come back to her senses. When She recognised a pain radiating from a part she did not expect, she understood what had happened.

An update after a Long time hope you all like it. With lots of love

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