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Brooke hated it. She couldn't stop crying and has been crying for the past hour. After seven months of hell at the rajvansh residence, she tried to go back to hostel for the remaining duration of her education but she was not allowed to do so. Even her parents refused to see how miserable she was at the rajvansh residence. How could her parents pawn her life in such a way? They forced her to stay in this hell. They also refused to answer why she was asked to bare this torture.

Yes she loved Ruan and will marry him but even he was not worth going through such pain. She was once again debating with herself weather or not to break this engagement when Ruan called. Maybe she should tell him what she was being put through. She did not want put him in a catch 22 situation between his parents and her but she decided it was time he knew how miserable she was. She will not ask him to go against his parents. She expected him to understand her misery and come to her aid without her requesting to do so.

Despite her situation her heart fluttered seeing the only light in her dark world, her Ruan. She answered the video call with a smile. "Hi my love. Hope it's a lovely morning for you." She greeted him as usual but the only difference was she did not hide her face behind the usual make up or the pain in her voice.

Ruan was very concerned about what caused her so much pain. " what happened to you sweetheart. You look like a zombie. What's troubling you? Tell me." Urges Ruan with fake concern which Brooke fails to notice.

Brooke wanted to tell him and just curse his parents. Yet She composed herself before she could do that. It was his parents she was about to rant. Though he is understanding and good hearted and loved her a lot(at least that's what Brooke thought), she cannot be the cause of any rift or fight between them. Taking a deep breath she started explaining.

" I am miserable Ruan. All the things I need to do and learn is taking a toll on me. And what your parents expect from me, I can never be that girl. I am losing myself Ruan and I hate it. I don't have time to be myself and I never get a break from being the future Daughter-in-law  of the Rajvansh family. Your parents are polite and kind but they expect me to become someone I am not." She said in a voice filled with melancholy.

Then she started crying. After she cried her heart out, She was content that Ruan was patiently listening to her and waited for her and let her cry. But he was angry, this was the first time Brooke saw him being so angry. On one side she was happy that he was angry about his parents treating her so bad, on the other hand she did not want to be the cause of a fight between him and his parents.

She wanted to subdue his anger. "Hey it's ok. Don't be angry. I just wanted to share it with you. You don't have to do anything about it. Please Ruan, calm down."

Yet all he did was say " I will call you later." In a voice contorting with anger and cut the call.

Now she felt bad. She hated herself for feeling like this. Doing the right thing for herself is going to land her loved one in a complicated situation. Why did she worry about things like this, because she would rather bare a torture than bring trouble to her loved ones.  She tried calling him again but she couldn't reach him. With a heavy heart she went to bed.

Next morning everything was different. No one woke her up in the wee hours of the morning so she can exercise to reduce her non-existent fat. It was already 7 in the morning and she was still in her bed. There was no to do list taped to her mirror. There was no one standing overs her lecturing her on what to wear, how to walk or what shade of lipstick she should use today.

Suddenly a thought stuck her,may be her future Mother in law must have sent her an instruction manual through WhatsApp. She hurried to find her phone and found it switched of, muttering a curse she plugged it in and waited for her phone to switch on dreading the consequence of waking up so late but the message she found made her mood brighten up and she was glowing like a 1000 watts light bulb.

There was a message from Ruan
"Enjoy your weekend off".

This means all the things that are happening with her are Ruan's doing. Ruan's message meant she only had two days to do as she wishes. She did not want to think about, what will happen after that just yet. So she had a leisure day and planned to visit her parents. When she asked her in laws for permission. They set everything for her journey happily.

If things could change so well in the Rajvansh residence she could look forward to living a happy life there, but she doubted if everything happening today was temporary therefore she did not want to gets her hopes up so that they wouldn't be shattered again.

Hoping and praying for a happy life ahead she started her 8 hour long journey to her parents house determined to enjoy her weekend off. Just for this weekend she pretended not to have any problems. Typing a message for Ruan with the details of the happenings or the not-happenings in the morning, and thanking him for whatever he did to make it happen, she sent it to him.

She wanted to call him desperately to share her happiness and ask him what he did to make such wonder happen. She knew it was almost midnight for him and did not want to disturb his sleep.

She took out her favourite book and started reading to pass her time during the journey.

Hi all,
Sorry I know I have been AWOL for almost Two weeks now. I had a Writers block this week. I will try and update another chapter this Sunday to make up for missing my last update without any information. Hope you all are still with me giving this story a chance.


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