Part 15

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Brooke could not believe that the person sitting before her had the audacity to demand her such things.

'Why the hell did I even entertain the thought of letting him in?' Thought Brooke.

He had not changed one bit. His parents were better, they at-least took care of their own. This nut case belongs to the pure selfish breed who did not care one bit about anyone but themselves including his blood. 'I severely regret bringing the girls into this. How did I ever consider giving this moron a chance. What blinded me? How could my IQ and EQ drop to this level where he was concerned?'Brook berated herself.

"I want the children with me right now" demand Ruan in a high pitch voice. He thought he could get away with this,like a man child who was always given everything on a silver platter irrespective of his demand being fair or unfair.

"Why?" Asked Brooke as patiently as she could under the circumstances.

Somehow Ruan found the right place just a day before he needed to present evidence of an heir. As soon as she saw Ruan, Brooke thought it was nature's way of asking her to give him a chance. That was not the case. Instead it proved out to be the right decision to have hid the girls from him so long. Everything just made her more affirmative regarding her decision.

Since his arrival his only focus was to revive his inheritance and nothing else.

"What do you mean why?, I don't have to answer you about anything. I need my child so send him with me right now." He demanded just the princely way he used to order. 'I was too naive to have fallen for his charms back then' thought Brooke, 'how did I never see his true intentions? How could I have been such a fool to not notice anything about this moron. Did I loose my brain cells back than?' She scolded herself.

"Ok can you give me the child's passport i need to take them back to India." Ruan Continued asking without taking in his surroundings or understanding the situation. The guards were closer to them, one wrong move and Ruan will be out cold on the floor. The guards were ready to deliberately misinterpret Brook's signals so they can take Ruan down, carve his gut out and throw him into the gutter for the rats to eat.

That broke Brooke's calm. 'How dare he'. Brooke had half a mind to let her guards bury this rascal. She noted how agitated they were too. But that was unnecessary. She decided to knock this puny moron from the high pedestal he was on. But god he made her mad. Everything about him triggered her anger.

"You are a certified Rascal. How dare you demand such things." Fumed Brooke.

"If you forgot, I am the father" said Ruan, still sitting on his high horse.

Brooke let out a dry laugh. " you are no father to the children" Ruan's eyes widened at the mention of children. " yes children, two beautiful smart girls. You did not even have the curtesy to know the gender of the child before demanding anything. Would you even be here if not for the inheritance?" Brooke asked in a contorted voice.

His eyes almost popped out knowing that Brooke knew about the inheritance. He decided to use a different tactic" I am so sorry Brooke there is no other go but to give up the girls' custody if you don't want to be behind the bars."  Ruan said trying to intimidate Brooke. Unknown to how strong Brooke has grown both financially and mentally or How many allies she had.

The moron never grew up.

"Tell me what human being in right mind would award you custody?" Replied Brooke, while smirking at him.

"You raped me, yes, because you never got my consent. You let your friends almost rape me. Made me wander in streets where I almost died. Yet you come and  claim this child whose existence you did not even bother to find until you needed them and that too for a meagre inheritance of yours? Shameless weasel. How dare you?" She continued. "Legally i will make sure it take years to prove that they are your children. Due to my moral obligation I gave you a chance but you ruined it you scoundrel."

By this time Brooke has raised her voice very high and she was fuming mad. The guards were very close to them and many others came in.

"I have faced numerous assholes like you and I am not letting you ruin my life anymore than you already have. Fuck you and your inheritance. Get lost you despicable asshole. The girls will be informed of you existence in a few years. They will decide if they want to meet you or not. Unless you cease to exist, before then. If you try to come in contact with the girls before then, you will wish for your death. Now scram before any of my guards get agitated with you and decides to make you our lab rat to try out a malfunctioning sauna device."  Brooke spat.

"Brooke ma" Ruan tried to hold her hand, thinking he should use his love tactic as before to gain her trust, when she got up to leave. Brooke was fast enough to see it coming and twisted his arm. He lost his facade. His arm snapped and Ruan screamed like a petulant child.

"Which part of my tirade did you not understand you despicable moron. I repeat, if you want to go out with your limbs attached, get out this instant. If you get any where near us, I will personally ruin you." Brooke repeated through gritted teeth while not letting him go.

after one final twist of his arm when Ruan started pleading, she let him go. He immediately scattered to the door.
He turned around at the doorstep, looking at her and said "Wait and watch. Who is going to ruin whom?" And ran away immediately. The guards were pointing guns at him, but Brooke just signalled her guards to let him be.

She knew Ruan was all talk and no action. She trusted that she could take care of him anytime she wanted.  She did not want to remember even one second of what happened so she pushed everything to the back of her mind and turned herself into her bitchy ice princes work mode.

The man among her trusted guards noticed everything that went by. His smile was sinister. He did not have any good intentions. He understood in spite of being a capable entrepreneur Brooke was a naive girl who wanted only love and protection. He had a plan. She will never find it was him. He will be done long before that. He looked at the photo of Brooke with the girls. He smiled sinisterly again.

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