Part 8

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     As Bronn vowed, he had ruined the asshole Terrance Rookwood's face, business and everything possible. The Rookwood empire was down. It was easy to destroy it because the company was already at the verge of bankruptcy. He will be soon take over the company and was planning to do good by the workers who were suffering because of the revenge plan.

     The swelling on Brianne's face had subsided so she was ready to undergo plastic surgery. After a massive series of surgeries. Their intention was successful and her face was restored to how it used to be. That was not all, this good news was accompanied by one more news which tipped Bronn's scale of happiness.

      Bronn was pissed of to find that his Sister Brianne was pregnant. When the Doctors contacted him after two months, he thought Brianne must have woken up instead the doctor wanted to consult him regarding the baby in his sisters stomach. He wanted to get rid of the baby because it was half the asshole, but if he does that, he knew that he would never be forgiven by his Sister . She would never be part of his life ever again. So against his wishes and better judgment he let the doctors care for the baby and it's well being.

     It was unusual for a foetus to survive such massive accident. They found this because the special nurse caring for Brianne had doubted that Brianne could be pregnant and the doctors ran a test to find out, eventually finding it true when the results came. What bothered Bronn more was that, if the date of conceiving was right then that asshole must have raped his sister the day she escaped from the monster.

This made Bronn so angry that he wanted to ruin that monster even more and bury him alive with his own hands. He would do that right now if his Sister was well enough to take care of herself or at least if she was in her senses and not in the damn coma.

After so long Bronn broke down crying. He did not know how to vent his anger out. He went to the gym and tore the punch bag with his punches. His hand was swollen and his suit was ruined. No one dared to approach him when he was in this state.

He called some people to find his Sisters ex and bury him alive, then called them again and he was asked to be left alone for he wanted that asshole to suffer living and not die immediately.

Two more months had passed by before Bronn had a surprise visitor waiting for him at his office. He immediately knew who it was because only one other person had access to his office. Bronn rushed to hug her and showed his elation kissing her all over the face. "When were you released from the hospital? Why did the Doctors not call me as soon as you woke up? Why do you still have scars on your face when they said the plastic surgery was successful." Asked Bronn in anxiety filled voice.

The girl was puzzled by his questions. " how would the doctors contact you if I refused to share my identity with them? I was Jane doe to them. When I finally had access to my account I paid the bill and left the place without anyone's knowledge and I never underwent any kind of surgery" she said.

She explained her side of the story. How she escaped form her husband because she could just not take it anymore since he caused her to miscarry. How in her tear filled fury she mistakenly hit someone and was thrown over the bridge. How she was rescued from water etc.

She had not come sooner only because she had to collect herself and understand how to proceed with her life.

Bronn was confused. "If you are here who is the girl in the hospital?" He asked out loud.

Even after two weeks they couldn't find anything about the girl in Brianne place. No one was looking for her, and now that her face resembled Brianne, they were not sure what to do. They could not reconstruct her Face since they did not know how she had looked before. For now Brianne and Bronn did not want anyone else to know about Brianne return or about the girl in Brianne's place so they let things be as how it was before the real Brianne appeared.
Mean while at the Rajvansh residence in India. Mr and Mrs Rajvansh were consoling very desperate parents of Brooke.

The Rajvanshes were happy that at least the Idiot got lost on her own and did not make them responsible for her disappearance. "That vacuous beauty was more dim witted than I estimated her her to be." Thought Mr.Veer Rajvansh.

"We are trying our best to find our 'ghar ka chirag' I promise you we will not stop looking until she is found. But it seems like she ran away and is hiding. Avoiding our searches to be found." said mr Veer Rajvansh in a concerned voice while actually wishing that Brooke never returned.

Meanwhile Mrs Meena Rajvansh was trying to console Brooke's Mother, to add value to her husband's acting. " let us not tell Ruan. He will fly back immediately and that will ruin his studies." Emphasised mrs Rajvansh. Everyone agreed to her suggestion.

In search of their Daughter Brooke's parents lost everything they had, even their life. They died in a car crash while they were trying to identify someone.

The Rajvanshes used this opportunity thoroughly and took over Brooke's inheritance and everything. Soon Brooke was forgotten and Ruan was engaged to another innocent girl. Thanks to Brooke faking a wonderful life another poor girl was trapped into marriage.

Ruan packed everything and came back to India once he was done with his masters. As soon as he came back he was engaged to Anika. He missed Brooke though because Anika was a nagging princess.

She was Rukesh Amitab's Daughter, so for his and his family's future he had to put up with it. They had to sign a prenup before marriage and Ruan was soon married to Anika.


Thanks for patiently waiting for an update. Hope to update the next chapter soon.


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