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At the end of the day. She was happy. When her daughters were asleep she went to her basement and switched on her basement computer lab.

"Welcome Ms.Brooke how can I help you?" Asked the AI, which was built by her.

"Rain, (Radically Analysing Interpersonal Nuancetechnology) find me everything you have on Ruan."
She commanded and soon all the information regarding him surrounded her. She was surprised to find how near he was to finding her. He has been going around for a Long time trying to find her. That too for his stupid meagre inheritance.

'Let's see if he can reach me first then I will be ready to take him down to his grave step by step.' She thought.

"RAIN make sure he faces all types of hinderances while he tries to reach us technically. Hack into all his personal files and have a copy of that in our server. Also make sure to capture all of his activities when he breaks law even as small as jay walking. Send me a report ever 2 hours also if he is in 5km radius of any of my first circle of protection."
She instructed Rain.

Only when she finished instructions did she realise that how much his presence bothered her. It seemed all her suppressed emotions are bubbling to the top trying to submerge her success and confidence.  Brooke took a deep breath, shifting her emotions so that she won't go back to the darkest place she ever was. The wounds are too deep and the scars are always there. She just made sure that she would never submit to her pains.

Being efficient has its drawbacks too. She missed her parents so much right now. She missed being pampered and taken care of. She wondered why did she want to grow up fast and leave her parents house so fast. She hated herself for being so gullible and naive. All those movies on Prince Charming and her romanticised notions flew out of the window when she faced the reality. She would have thanked Ruan for teaching her a valuable lesson if his actions and his parents neglect hadn't taken her parents' life.

Even now he should be thanking her parents, if not for the value and belief system instilled in her brain by her parents, she could have eliminated his very existence with a meagre amount to power she could exert.

She thought she could enjoy and toy with Ruan on his way here and wanted to see how far he is ready to go or suffer to reach her. It was fun for her to watch that pompous pampered idiot suffering majorly solving simple issues as small as a parking ticket.

She laughed her heart out swing him so unready for the real world. She was proud to say that her daughters were more equipped to handle the situation then their father.

This very thought sobered her up. No mater what she couldn't change the fact that he was their father. She wondered what the girls are going to do or feel once they found out.

Even though she trusted her daughters to understand and support her. She dreaded revealing the truth. They were still too young to understand certain parts of the emotional trauma she went through.

There was no other go but to prepare them for their inept father to arrive, because somewhere deep down she knew, if Ruan persisted he would reach them sooner than later and her daughters had a right to know their father, irrespective of how he was to her, she needed to give him a chance at being a father.

They say time heals everything. She wished it wouldn't heal certain things. She did not want to give him the chance to know the girls but it's ethically and legally right to give him a chance, since he never exactly knew that I was pregnant.

'What would he do? How will he approach? What should I do to prepare myself?'  These thoughts kept running on a replay in her head. She fell into a fitful sleep trying to compose herself.

She was woken up by her AI's voice the next morning, reminding her it was time for her jog. She was very meticulous so her PA Bentley,one of the best in the business prepared a very descriptive schedule and made sure RAIN was upto date with her schedule. All her employees virtually reported to RAIN  and indirectly to her when she was not physically available.

He was the only person who had editing access to certain features to RAIN. Bentley was god sent the guy could very well takeover Bronn's role if he wanted, but that sweet guy was content serving me. He said being responsible for so many things was not his forte. When She pointed out that his work was not much different from ours he was already handling everything we did, he immediately pointed out that we were the decision making authority and he was merely executing our orders. She just smiled at him at that point and let it go thinking 'to each his own'.

While jogging she remembered about the few encounters she had with potential buyers wanting RAIN. Thank god there were a few offers for her to sell RAIN and they did not know RAIN's full potential, but she refrained from selling it. She played dumb and underplayed RAIN's ability, not wanting her or any of her immediate family members be in danger. She had to pose that she was using everything that was already available in the market and not her own advanced technology. IF only they knew it's full potential. She couldn't fathom it falling in the wrong hands that's why even her government was unaware of such wonderful AI. She was already a billionaire because she owned several patented designs used in majorities of electronic products which was not even one hundredth of what RAIN could do.  She felt formidable and vulnerable at the same time owning such fate changeable technology.

To stop her brain from thinking so much she ran full speed. The Exhilaration she felt at the end helped her calm down a bit. She took a shower and joined the kids for breakfast.

No one would understand the challenges and thoughts that ran through Brooke's mind. Many envied her success and wanted a successful life like her. Yet she would not wish her life upon any one else. That is why she always encouraged or pushed anyone and everyone around her not to be dependent on anyone. She wanted few of her past experiences buried deep in the dark.

The smiling lovely Brooke once again became an ice princess as soon as she left her house.


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