2. Overprotective

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The first day was nice. I've got to meet some of the professors who gave an outline on what to study in advance, and I really found the course subjects to be interesting. I couldn't wait to study them later on since I had too much time in my hands now that I was far away from the gang, and I've been a little lazy in finding a gym.

College campuses were filled with gyms all around, so I could wait a while before starting to go to one since it's all nearby anyway.

I've met a few people who introduced themselves because they sat next to me but I never really interacted much. When they'd talk, I'd nod, act like I was listening to what they said, and just continued my own business was asking Max, who was a member of the gang that I've grown to like, updates on what's happening.

It's all good. Stop worrying.

She never really said anything much—in text and in person. It's why I liked her and agreed to train her the moment she became the new member at seventeen. Soon, we'd gotten close and we'd talk little things about ourselves, never really fully showing our demons to one another except when it came to training and I saw how much aggressive she could be.

Spitfire, was her changed name when she first trained with me. I named her that after she almost knocked out my teeth when we were training. She had a damn strong right hook, and it's one of the reasons why I liked her best.

Call me if there's an emergency.

She replied with a: K. later on and I left it at that.

As I was tucking my phone back at my pocket and walking at the hallway, I collide with a person all of a sudden. Their hands shoot out to my shoulders, probably in order to make sure there was not much of an impact between us.

Looking up, I see a pair of brown eyes looking down at me. The guy in front of me was tall and with the way his shirt was hugging his figure, for sure big muscles. It was obvious. The sleeves of his pale blue shirt look like they're about to pop if he continues to flex his arms and move.

He was, well, attractive. No doubt in that. The way his brown eyes stared at me with intensity and the way his pink thin lips smiled at me, I think anyone would melt under this guy's gaze. "Woah. Almost made you trip there. Watch where you're going, yeah?"

Okay, maybe he has a little ego.

"As far as I'm seeing," I swat his hands away from me. "You're not blind and you have about—" I look at the guys beside him and behind him who are staring at me like I was crazy. "—four people with you. So, I think, since you were watching where you were going, you could've warned me in barring onto you, or like any other human being, stepped aside."

His smile doesn't falter, but he blinks, taken aback by what I said. I'm guessing this guy is too intimidating to people that he thinks no one will speak to him like I did. "You're right. My bad. I'm Caleb."

Staring at his outstretched hand, I shake it and give a bright smile. "And I'm bored. Good bye."

I was about to side step to get away from them, when I see someone running towards me. Well, towards Caleb.

"Hey, Caleb, sorry, I got held up in..." Dean stops and stares at me with furrowed brows, the confusion written in his eyes. "What are you doing here? I thought your class just finished and you're going back at the dorm?"

"It did, and now, I'm going."

"Wait, you two know each other?" Brown eyes or Caleb points at the both of us.

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