12. Worried About Him

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The two women were fussing around still around the oven as the two of them watched the cheese bubbling under the heat. I just sit on the dinner table, staring at my hands.

I tried not to let what Jessica told me get under my skin. I tried so hard. It's just that when you learn that your best friend had a crush on you, how would you approach that situation? Do I walk up to him and immediately ask him if he liked me or if he still likes me? What happens if he does like me? I mean, he just broke up with Grace, the person that he told me he loved. He was her first love. Those things take time to go away, right?

Plus, what if I tell him that I know he likes me? That'll make things awkward for sure. We're best friends for God's sake. He knows every secret I have and I know his.

Apparently not if he never mentioned this. The voice at the back of my head nags at me. True, if we were so close, why wouldn't he say something like that? I'd take it, talk to him about trying to lose his feelings. I'd even give him time and I'll tell him to come back to me once he finally gets rid of those feelings.

However, it still isn't it. Do I really want him to get rid of those feelings? I talk about being emotionally unavailable to the idea of having someone be more than friends with me but there was something underneath my cold hard feelings that felt warmth whenever he'd get close.

Hell, I even let him carry me on his shoulder. When other people try to handle me like that, they won't have hands to lift anything ever again.


"Mom! Come here!"

Rushing out of the kitchen, Jessica, Charlie, and I come outside to the yard and find Dean on the ground, unconscious.

Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck!

I kneel down in front of Dean, my hands on his face, tapping lightly at his cheek to try and wake him up.

"Jesus, what the hell happened?" Jessica shouts, staring at the two Hemmingway men frantically.

"I don't know! We were just passing the basketball and Dad hit him in the head too hard!" Jamie explains.

My heart is lodged in my chest, beating so erratic that I can even hear my own heartbeat ringing in my ears. I'm panicking and I could feel the threat of the tears in my eyes. My brain's scrambling, running thousands of thoughts all at once.

"I'm calling an ambulance," Charlie states. "Crap. Jamie give me your phone, I left mine in the house."

Okay, okay, I can do this. Treat him like he's one of your members.

But he isn't. He's someone I deeply care about.

With shaking hands, I place my index finger and middle finger at his neck, searching for his pulse to feel. Strong. Normal. That's good. I release a sigh of relief as I face the four people staring at me with worry. "Okay, he's just knocked out. His pulse his good, breathing's normal. We're going to wake him up just in case he's—"


I jump in my position as Jessica and Charlie short scream escapes their lips.

The men start to laugh their assess off with Dean sitting up, looking perfectly okay.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Dale!" Jessica screams. "I'm going to kill the three of you!"

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