22. I Heard You

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Two updates in a row? I must be going mad! ANYWAY, enjoy you guys! It's time for us to see how much of a badass our Blythe is! Of course, it will still be in Dean's POV. Next chapter will be too. I gotta tell you, you're not going to like next chapter.

Enjoy this little action/romance!

- Bella xo

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Soon, it was time for the fight. Everybody's already gathered up around the ring. I was between Chloe and Antonio, the two of them, keeping an eye on those who would come over to introduce themselves, trying to get my information. It was really weird, some girls were flirting with me as a tactic and in the end, they would be sent away by Antonio. They wouldn't question it, only pout and wink with a promise to finish whatever they were asking me later.

I've managed to talk to Blythe for a little while, asking her what's wrong. When I asked if she was nervous, she nodded and we held one another for a while. In her room. It was weird seeing her room and not being able to pay attention to it. I wanted to see more. It was just I was distracted by her presence with me.

Deciding I would look at it later, I let her change, meeting up with the rest downstairs. Rosalie first saw me before anyone and she was quick to drag me next to them, making sure I was protected. Luke and I nodded towards one another as a greeting. He gave me a little advice right before I was placed between Chloe and Antonio.

"If you feel like you want to run in and help her, remind yourself that she has to do it because she's finally leaving and that alone is what you need to stop yourself."

Sometimes, I wonder how the kid seems mature for his age. Yes, he's only two years younger than I am. It's just weird not to know more about these kinds of things while someone younger than me does.

The room is soon filled by roars of the members and my eyes follow who they're cheering for. It's Blythe. She's standing by the edge of the ring, wearing black Nike shorts and a sports bra that revealed way too much for my liking in front of all these people. Her hair is pulled into a tight bun, and her hands are covered with bandage. Not even boxing gloves. Just bandages.

I stare down at Chloe and I could tell she was as nervous as I am. "Does she get some kind of weapon? She's only using hands?"

Chloe nods, not bothering to look up to me. "Yeah. Whoever she's fighting with are also in the same situation. It's how it goes. Fair but not fair at the same time."


Glancing up again, I meet Blythe's eyes. Before I can mouth something, she winks up at me and nods at Antonio right beside me.

He clears his throat. "Alright! Are we ready?" Everybody cheers, even Chloe, Rosalie, and Luke. Antonio claps. "We all know the rules! If she lands on the ground, unable to move, there will be a second round. It will keep coming until she manages to kick her opponent down. No weapons, just bare fists. Castillo, you're up first!"

Castillo, the man who I met right at the entrance, comes up and the two communicate through sign language for a few seconds. Then, his eyes move to Antonio, nodding. He's wearing jersey shorts and bandages around his fists. Everyone's seeing his tattoos and I can't help but look too. There were too many.

Antonio makes a circle with his thumb and index finger, places it in his mouth, and whistles loudly. It serves as an indication that it's started. Everyone's cheering except for me.

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