31. Talking With The Brother

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It was about half-past twelve and way past visiting hours. Since Jamie was taking up his on-the-job training at this hospital, they let him break a few rules. Especially knowing that his girlfriend was now in a coma and can't be woken up.

Charlie's mother came by to check on her daughter and bawled her eyes out while Jamie did so too. We were outside of the room and could hear both of their cries for her. It was so painful to hear that Jessica went out, telling us that she needed air, with Dale in her arms, crying in them. Dean was silent, sitting down and holding the cup of coffee I got for all of them.

It wasn't my place to speak or sympathize with them, I just observed everyone and all the things that surrounded us. Right as Jessica and Dale came back, Charlie's mother had come out of the room with tear-stained face, telling them that she'll go on ahead and stay at a hotel near here, knowing that she's in good hands, and will come back tomorrow.

Jessica and Dale didn't want to leave their son alone, knowing how angry and upset he is, but they needed to go home and get some clothes for themselves. They figured since they can stay in the hospital overnight while sitting on the seats, they'll take it. Dean, on the other hand, stood up after a while and told Jessica and Dale that he'll grab some food for them. I texted Nickson to follow him.

Because they were all leaving, I decided to step in and say that I'll keep an eye on them. They trusted me enough that they left. Now, I'm here inside their room, smelling that certain hospital smell of alcohol and disinfectant, with my eyes closed.

When I hear shuffling at Jamie's side, I don't bother opening my eyes. "Jamie, just because I look like I'm asleep doesn't mean I actually am. You're already near Charlie, don't strain yourself."

"I wasn't," he replies. The guilt is just there. "I was trying to go to the bathroom."

That's when I flutter my eyes open and see how he's laying on his side, keeping his broken leg in place and his arm outstretched to intertwine his fingers with her. "Does it hurt?"

The words came out of my mouth without filter. It wasn't a question of physical pain. It was a question of an emotional one. One where he's in pain because she's hurt.

Somehow, he notices the meaning of my words. "Like you wouldn't believe," he doesn't bother looking at me, and I just watch how he continues to stare longingly at her. "Love makes you regret and places you into a situation where you'd rather be hurt than the person you love. I regret bringing her to that date. If I hadn't, we would just be home. Safe. The broken ribs and arm aren't even bothering me. My heart is. It hurts so much to see her like this. I wish she wakes up. It's all my fault."

Charlie's monitor doesn't change. It's still the same with the beeping sound of her heart.

"Don't say that," I tell him. "That drunk drive never should have gotten into his vehicle in the first place. It's all his fault. Not yours."

His eyes now flicker to me. All I can see is sadness. "Can I ask you something?" Nodding, I let him ask it. "You love my brother, we all see it, but why can't you just be with him?"

My eyes widen at his question. This was not an appropriate thing to ask. He's lying on a hospital bed next to his comatose girlfriend! He should just be thinking about her, right? Plus, I've never really said that I love him. Sure, I care for him and I would die for him.

And my heart breaks every time I see him with Grace. Every single time I see him with someone that's not me.


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