24. My Own Heartbreak

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Finally finished with second year college! Going to be moving to third year soon and to be honest, I'm a bit iffy with having it to be done online. I mean, how will we even measure something in the analytical balance, do some procedures, and maybe compute for the percentage yield?

I honestly don't know.

If you're wondering, I'm taking up Biochemistry and it definitely IS hell. But fun. It is college.

Anyway, since second year is done and I've got about two months of free time - which consists of me taking care of our new puppy, I've decided to actually finish writing the books I've been planning since fourteen. Honestly, I got 8 published books and I've got about three more that's waiting to be published.


Hope all of you are staying safe, loves.

- Bella xo

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It's been five days and I haven't received calls or texts from him. The next morning at breakfast, I had to drag myself out of bed and act like I just didn't get my heart ripped out of my chest. Chloe and Rosalie asked where he was and I lied, telling them that he went ahead since he needed to focus for his exam on one of his hardest subject on Monday.

              I thought Chloe would sense that I was lying since she's pretty good with it. However, I must've gotten too good at hiding things from people because she didn't even question it. For the rest of that day, I tried to interact and train some newbies since Antonio gave me permission just to distract myself now that he's gone.

              All of it was bothering me. Feeling the loss of a brother was making me want to breakdown every single day. Now, I'm feeling like I just lost someone who held my heart in their hands and making me barely keep it together. I haven't even sorted my feelings for him yet I was sure of two things; I didn't want to be apart from him and I would always make sure that he will be safe no matter what. Even if we're not on good terms.

              The next two days after our fight, I get a ping from my phone. It's a message from Caleb, asking me why I'm not at the Uni and if ever I knew about Dean and Grace getting back together.

              At first, I thought it was a joke. Surely, he wouldn't move on too fast, right? My heart starts to beat hard in my chest, enough to knock me back a few steps as I open up my Facebook. I didn't even have to search for their names. My notifications showed that what Caleb was true.

              Grace Lind is in a relationship with Dean Hemmingway.

              God, it even has those heart emojis on it.

              The wind in my lungs feels like it's been sucked out. It feels like I've just been kicked in the chest. This time, it's not Castillo who's doing it. It's Dean.

              They are back together. Back. Together.

              I open up Grace's Facebook. It's public and God knows how we even decided to become friends in it. I think it's Dean's doing when he made me this stupid account in the first place. I wish he never bothered to actually do it.

              There was already a picture of the two of them. I could tell from the background and the milkshakes they ordered alone that they were in Sal's. They're sitting together, Grace holding up the camera with a wide grin and her head leaning to his shoulder while he just had his own serious expression on, not even looking at the phone.

Finding Life | Finders Keepers #2 ✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum