16. Liking Her

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I must be dead if I'm kissing her right now, right? God, her lips are like heaven. Everything about her is heaven-sent. That's what it feels like if I'm really kissing her. Her lips are so soft, plump, and just amazing. My right hand is in her hair entangling with the strands while the other one is at her hips. Damn, I always saw how her curvy she looked at the stuff she wore but feeling her now, it's different, and way more incredible.

The kiss is intimate, not needy, not desperate, more of wanting one another. It was the most beautiful thing. She's the most beautiful thing. She's responding to me easily and I immediately regret for saying that I was sorry for almost kissing her—because this is the most un-regrettable thing I did.

She opens her lips, giving my tongue the entrance I need. Our tongues entangle, dancing in one another, and just like that, I could feel all the blood of my body rushing down to my dick. She's making my head spin at this rate but I didn't want us to stop. My heart could burst right in this second as she lets go of the collar of my shirt and places her hands on my jaw and on my back, pulling me closer to deepen the kiss even more.

I'm not going to last long. I have to stop this.

"Bly," I whisper as I try to pull back but she pecks my lips again, eyes still shut. I'm never going to get enough of this woman. God help me in trying to keep my self-control for the both of us. "Bly. We have to stop before I do something we might regret."

Just like that, she pulls away.

The urge to pull her back to me is strong and the hardness I was feeling in between my legs wasn't exactly helping.

When I open my eyes, I expect to see her usual light brown eyes but it's turned into a shade darker and I can tell from that alone that I'm not the only affected by this. But she is too.

We stare at one another for a while before a smile breaks into our faces. Then, I hear something bubble out of her. A giggle. I've never ever heard Blythe giggle. She called it annoying whenever she heard girls giggle at me. She'd always roll her eyes at them and try to impersonate their giggles but she just fails at it.

It's amazing when I heard it. She's feeling giddy, I know it, because I'm feeling the same thing too. "What was that?"

She shrugs and leans back into her seat, her eyes never leaving me before shrugging. "Are you telling me you don't know what that is, Deano? My, my, well, that's a kiss, my little best friend."

I can't help but chuckle. "You and I know that what we just did, we're not going back as best friends. Not if I can help it. What made you do that, Bly?"

"I don't know," she gives another shrug. "Talking to your mom and Charlie yesterday when we were getting dinner, they said something that I wasn't able to wrap my head around. Then, you built up this stupid prank on me and I just realized that I would rather die than see you like that again. This morning, when you almost kissed me, trust me, if you weren't going to do it, I think I would. And when you said you don't love Grace, everything felt solid by then. God, I'm not good with these things, Dean, but when it comes to you... it feels easy and hard at the same time."

Okay, if I really am dead, I wish for God not to prank me like this. Or if I'm dreaming, never wake me up.

Reaching for her cheek, I caress it with my thumb. She pulls back for a second and I'm about to drop my hand when she holds it in place, kisses my palm, and leans back into it.

She said she's not good at this but I think she's a fucking expert with it. "I—if it's not obvious, I really like you, Dean. It might take me some time to adjust to this feeling but there it is. It's out. I like you and I don't really know where to go on from here."

Blythe Juniper—the woman who never loved anyone because she believed to be emotionally unavailable and unable to love, is here, right now, not as my best friend but as the person who just admitted that she likes me. Me.

"I... I like you," I admit it. There it is too, Blythe. Time to admit everything. "I never thought I'd even have a chance to kiss you, to hold you like this but here I am."

"Here we are," she corrects and I realize that she's right. It's a "we" now not an "I" and I can't help but be ecstatic about it.

I want to kiss her again but that might be a dangerous zone seeing as how my erection isn't still going away. "Um, before we get back, can you get out for a second?"

She blinks, pulling away from my hand. "What?"

"You didn't exactly warn me before kissing me, Bly," I explain and her eyes narrow. Oh God. I might die if I don't say everything quickly right now. "Relax. I'm just asking you to get out because I can't calm down when you're inside the car. It'll be hard for me."

No movement. She's still confused.

"Jesus, Bly, look down to my pants," I blurt out.

Her eyes land on my jeans and her mouth opens into an "O" as she finally catches on what I've been saying for the past twenty seconds. In a second, her cheeks turn red and I realize that she's blushing from the embarrassment.

First, giggling. Now, blushing. I think I'm really blessed today.

"I-I'm going—" she stammers, scrambling to get out of the car as fast as she can.

The second the car door closes, I plop down on my seat, breathing heavily from what just happened. What does this even mean for us? The way she kissed me. Damn. Now, I see why some of the guys that she used to sleep with when we were in high school used to chase around her. Though the thought of her sleeping with anyone else really bugs me, I start to think about it more in order to just help me.

There's Martin, my fellow teammate in football back in high school, who bragged about the team how he and Blythe hooked up at a party he hosted last week before our training. I could remember getting easily angry and had almost punched his teeth in for even talking about Bly's business like that.

I know that she's not innocent. I've known that for a long time ever since I caught her the next morning at Cameron's (another one of our teammates) house when he asked for help to clean up the party. It was junior year. I was enraged, almost took Blythe away from the house and scream at her but I pulled back when I realized how she's embarrassed that I saw her doing the walk of shame. So, instead of trying to make it seem like she hurt me, I teased her about it. Annoyed her.

From then on, she kept her little one night stands a secret to me. In fear that I'll either tease her or be overly protective of her. Since the guys did belong to our team, it wasn't much of a secret but I turned a blind eye and decided not to say anything no matter how much it hurt me.

"Knock, knock," my eyes snap to the window. Blythe's blush is no longer present but the mischievous glint in her eyes is there. There she is. "Do you need more time or can I come in?"

Nodding, she comes back to the car and I can't help but observe her as she comes in. Her hair is now pulled up into a bun since I've messed it up. She's wearing her usual high-knee black leather boots, she's wearing her ripped jeans, and a plain white shirt that's tucked at the front and loose at the back.

She's always dressed like this but I can't help but grin. She always looks so beautiful.

And I'm going to make sure that whatever this is now that's between us, is never going to go away.

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