21. Taking Notes

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It's already lunch and Blythe still haven't returned. Initially, I was supposed to go up with her but Rosalie insisted that I'd just stay with them and that they'll take care of me. Knowing Blythe would be talking to Antonio and discuss what they would do with the threat that's coming for her, she decided to leave me with Chloe and Rosalie promising to protect me with incoming intimidation that the other members would give.

Before she went up, she tip-toed in front of me and whispered something about keeping the whole situation on the downlow. Truthfully, I was waiting for her to kiss me on the cheek because of how close we were, but I didn't get it at all. I'd decided to kiss her again. When we're alone.

We hung out by the bar at the right side of the room, seeing as it has lesser people there. Chloe grabbed some beers and gave it to Luke and I. When I was about to ask why Rosalie didn't want to drink, she just shrugs and say that she used to be an alcoholic. I honestly got surprised, knowing that she's only eighteen but understood. Most people that belonged to a gang did end up drinking at a young age so it wasn't much of a surprise.

Mostly Chloe asked questions while Rosalie and Luke would just join in for a little. It was awkward at first but it got comfortable the second that they asked about football. Apparently, though Luke wasn't part of the football team in their high school, we started to get along well with talking about it. On the other side, I asked them some questions about what they did and I was glad to get to know them.

"I'm sorry about Nathan," I say when we ended up in silence because Chloe had talked about Nathan promising her to come at one of her fashion shows. The silence between us had become thick and I just needed to say something. "He was really nice to me at our graduation and I could tell that he really cared of you all and it was the same with him."

Rosalie sucks a deep breath and it doesn't go unnoticed. Luke clutches her hand and wraps his arm around her. She also looks towards Chloe, they share a sad smile, and hold one another's hands. And I just can't help but feel sad for them. If it was my brother who died, I wouldn't be able to drink, sleep, or eat. I would constantly feel broken.

"Thank you," Chloe replies to me, the smile she gave Rosalie was onto me. "and I'm thankful that I have Rose and Bly with me too, honestly. I would still be crying my eyes out or doing damaging things to myself if it weren't for Rose keeping an eye on me and the three of us calling frequently to communicate with one another."

"Hey, what's up with the sad faces?"

We turn to face a woman, maybe a little older than me, a year or two probably. She has strawberry blonde hair in a ponytail, her doe eyes in a color of dark brown, close to black, and she looks a little shorter than the rest of them. Her thin lips are in a grim line, gazing at them.

Rosalie shrugs. "Just remembering Nate."

Her eyes land on me and they immediately narrow into slits. Normally, I'm not intimidated being stared down but because I'm in a house filled with people who can break my neck in a second, I'm pretty nervous. I shoot out my hand and was about to introduce myself when my eyes land at Blythe right behind her. She's still discussing something towards Antonio.

She looks conflicted about something and I can't help but watch her. She's too far away for me to watch her eyes but I can still see her brows knit together, running her hand through her chestnut brown hair. Soon, she sighs and walks towards us, a small smile pulling up her face when our eyes meet. It doesn't reach her eyes.

"Is that Spitfire?" The woman in front of me, looking at me like I've gone mad, turns and a smirk appears in her face.

Antonio nods towards her. "Talk to me after lunch, alright?"

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