Epilogue: At The End

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It's been three years ever since Blythe got shot. Sometimes, I even wonder how I could have been blessed with having her. She's not only beautiful but strong. She's cruel but merciful. She's the light and at the same time the darkness. It sounds bad when you think about it. Darkness but it doesn't have to be as long as you don't let it rule you. You keep it balanced.

That's how I know Blythe's balanced. She has both and I accept her for that because I do have darkness too. It isn't something we're both ashamed of, we know one another and we fit perfectly. Kind of Ying and Yang.

After Antonio managed to get the guys from the gang to clean up the mess that happened at the apartment –which he did when Blythe was still at the hospital—we moved back in. It was weird being inside the room where I saw Castillo lying at, bleeding everywhere, with no sign of her anywhere but after weeks, we managed to settle in pretty nicely.

We have one another. That's all that matters to us.

We converted what was used to be my bedroom, a guest bedroom one. We changed the sheets, of course, and well, no one has ever stayed in that room yet. While I moved at her room. For a lot of people, it seems normal since we were already living under the same room but for us, we celebrated about it. I cooked, she helped... make a mess basically, and we had fun.


My head snaps up to the door, noticing Blythe come in with her usual leather jacket. It's now summer before the start of second semester of our fourth year and though most of the college kids had went home to spend some time with their family, we didn't. We still visit whenever we can but at the same time, we still want to go home to one another.

When she catches me sitting by the living room, a beer hanging on my fingers, she smiles at me, walks over, and plops down on top of me with her head on my legs.

I place my beer on the coffee table and start to run my hands through her hair. Her eyes close, taking in the small gesture with a small smile playing at her lips. "Everything okay?"

She nods slightly. "Always is when I come back to you."

My heart soars. I've heard that line too many times from her and I never get tired of it. I always want to hear it whenever we can.

"Tell me," I press my lips on her eyes, causing for them to open. Frowning at the sight of her tired features, she just sighs. "Is it your sister again?"

Her stare hardens but I already know it's not for me. Ever since she got out, she took the first chance she could to go back to the house fully healed to deal with Rachel. She didn't want me to come, knowing full well that I would get to see who she really is as Ocra. With a few persuasion tactics, she manages to bring me along and they had set up her and Rachel to go against one another in the ring.

It was like an initiation, only this time, it was her sister's execution. I've told her countless of times not to kill her. I explained that she's the only blood relative she has and though I believed for a second that any of my convincing didn't work, she proved me wrong when she let her go right where she had her sister on a chokehold and then moved her hands to her jaw and the top of her head, ready to snap it clean.

Everyone was disappointed but I wasn't.

Rachel ended up in a mental asylum where Notorious made sure that she couldn't do anything dangerous to anyone and to herself. It took about a year to convince her to go see her. For about four months, I was with her when she visited Rachel and soon after, she did it by herself. She would visit her every Sunday and most of the time, it would end up in a disaster.

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