4. DD: Drunk Dean

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I wasn't stupid. And according to what Dean said, Caleb wasn't either. Sure, I hated playboys but that's because I didn't want their asshole attitude within a foot of me. But I would make an exception if we'd do less talking. Right now, we were after the same thing right now as we ran up the stairs. Sex. After being so busy with everything, I missed the act itself—on how you can please someone with a single touch and how they can please you with it too. The art of it was something that mesmerized me, and it pleasured me when I got the chance to do it.

              Right as he closes the door behind us, he grabs my jaw, pulling me closer to him. There was no doubt on how he was kissing me harshly and how his hand pulled my legs around his waist that he was the one with the rules, the one that wanted me to do anything he ordered.

              I admit, my adrenaline rushed up as soon as he took of his shirt and started hiking up my dress. I reach for his belt buckle, not even deciding to savor his gorgeous body and just started pulling down his zipper down.

              My hand was on top of his briefs, more specifically his on his bulge. He let out a small moan, one that made the hair at the back of my head stand, before pulling me back in for a hasty kiss with his hand on my back.

              "God, you're—" He wasn't able to finish his sentence because someone was already was already wiggling the door open and knocking aggressively. He hangs his head, the frustration makes his nose flare angrily at the person on the other side of the door. "Bro, the door is locked which means we need our privacy! Go the fuck away!"

              But that doesn't stop the knocking. "Is—" the person hiccups twice before continuing "—Bly—" another hiccup and my eyes narrow in at the door, like I was seeing him with x-ray for eyes. Oh no, Dean. "—there? I'm druuunk and I wanna go to beeed."

              Sighing, I pull down the hem of my dress and start placing back my heels that I didn't even realize I kicked. Caleb just watches me silently as I grab his t-shirt that he tossed at the bed and throw it at him, and he catches it easily, single-handedly.

              The knocking continues. "Hellooo? Is Junie-Bly there?"

              Okay, he's drunk. You can just slap him later for the stupid nickname.

              "I'm going to go," I walk past him, but turning around before I open the door. "Dean's hiccupping which usually means that's he's way past tipsy and is drunk. I have to get him home before he drinks some more and goes to level four drunk and that indicates: vomiting on something, himself, or someone. And seeing as how I'm always the one who hauls his ass out of parties, that someone that he'll vomit on is me."

              Dean continues to knock, using two of his fists now and trying to create a beat that just sounded like he's angrily slamming his fists on the door.

              "Shut up, Dean!" I yell out, rolling my eyes at how annoying this all was. "I am going to kill you!"

              The knocking stops. But then, the blowing raspberries starts and then knocking goes on again.

              I swear, sometimes I wonder why I'm even friends with him.

              I'm about to reach to the lock when Caleb pulls me back, his brown eyes gazing at me. Just my eyes. "Just so you know, I didn't really bring you back here for the sex," Cocking my brow at him, I glance at the bulge in his pants that doesn't seem to be going away. "Okay, yes, that was the main purpose but I was really planning to ask you out maybe after that. Dean did mention you like coffee, so I thought why not have a coffee date? We have training tomorrow but we can go after if you'd—"

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