25. Ringo & Freddie

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So! It's going to be a long one! Just a heads up! Stay safe loves.

- Bella xo

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I've been successful in keeping my feelings towards Dean in check for the past week. It helps when you're not really bumping into each other. I've avoided all the usual places—the canteen on my building, Sal's, and well, our apartment. It helps when he's got practice. I'm able to go to the apartment earlier than him, shower, have dinner, and lock myself up.

In the morning, I'd just walk out early in the morning. The only times that we've seen one another is when we'd pass each other outside of the building. He would always try to make contact with Grace or with his teammates, and I'll just ignore him and answer some questions from Caleb and some of the other guys whom expressed worry towards my recent injuries.

Some professors had shown concern too and everyone seemed to buy the story that I was with family, drinking to my brother's name, and I got too clumsy. They're definitely not happy that as a twenty-year-old, I'm drinking since it is illegal and normally, they wouldn't condone it. They just let it go because of Nate. I feel bad using him for an excuse but in truth, he was the reason in the first place why I'm sporting these injuries.

He did wish for me to be out.

Castillo and Nickson arrived as he promised and they're keeping me update on Dean's whereabouts at all times. They'd text frequently and say that he's okay. They would also ask if I need something but I'd just tell them no and just keep an eye on him.

So far, I haven't gotten any new leads. Antonio said he would dig up my records at the orphanages and foster homes I used to be in. It's the only places that I'm known as Alice. When I would ask for updates, it's either radio silence or a simple "haven't found any." Apparently, all the homes I was in didn't bother to actually use a fucking computer so it'd be easier to track. All of them were in a paperwork and he had to send some people all around to actually look for records.

I'm still debating whether or not the person actually stopped or is just waiting their chance. The pretty good guess is the latter. They know my old name and based on who I am now, it gives an idea of how I was a nightmare for everyone.

It makes me nervous for Dean. Yes, I'm mad at him but it doesn't really mean that I don't care for him anymore. Sure, it still hurts when I would see his arm around Grace or when Grace would complain about me living at my apartment and I would hear Dean stick up for me. At the very least, I've managed to actually keep all my nasty emotions in and do something with it.

"Alright, bets are in!"

The one running the place is a bald man, shorter than me, and has a beer belly, called Norm. Boring name, I know. He glares at me as if he can see right through my helmet. "Don't screw this up. I decided to bet on you, Freddie." For a man in his mid-forties, his voice is higher than normal.

Giving him a thumbs up, I walk over to my bike. My shoulder still hurts and I really should thank Doc later on for the meds that he prescribed so that I won't have to deal with too much pain. He did make me promise not to do anything strenuous for a while but eh, never been a follower of things like that. Only to the boss.

When I place my ass on my bike, I don't even bother taking a look at them. What I learned about having opponents in bike racing was that when you look at them, they'll feel smug about it and act like I'm intimidated by them. The solution is to just never look at them. That way, you piss them off and you get a good laugh afterwards when they see your face.

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