7. His Will

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Antonio woke the three of us up to get ready and head to the briefing room for a conference with Mr. Zimmer, the gang's lawyer. He was the best of the best, and we'd gotten our way out of trouble more times than we can ever count. It took us about thirty minutes to get ready, making sure to shower and dress at our own rooms so it'll be faster and we agreed to meet at the room.

              Zimmer starts talking away, saying that we four were in Nathan's will. It was originally supposed all of the members for the reading of the will but he's changed his mind and all matters would just be settled within all four of us. When Antonio told him to hurry up, I could see the beading sweats in his forehead and how he gulped in nervousness in front of him. Antonio was more like me—impatient, headstrong, sometimes have a little temper on certain things. It's one of the reasons why we took a long time to bond. We would always butt heads.

              Still, it resulted into a good friendship.

              He started with Chloe, telling her that he's leaving one-fourth of his earnings to her and that he wanted her to fly and take herself wherever she wants to go with the helicopter key he purchased a month ago. Her eyes widen at the key at her hands, there were sadness in her eyes and I could tell that she was reliving the moments she had with him.

              "Now, to Ms. Juniper," he turns to me and I can't help but be worried at what he's leaving me. "I leave you one-fourth of my earnings. It'll be enough to give you a fresh start as you go to college and support yourself for awhile. You will also be left with the apartment I brought for you, the rent has been paid off for a year, and after that, I'm sure you'll be able to support it on your own. Dream big, Blythe, and never sell yourself short."

              "Oh my God," I whisper. "I can't believe Nathan did this."

              He has to outdo everything and give what he can give to those he loves, huh?

              My heart is ramming into my chest. It's overwhelming. An apartment, Nathan? One-fourth of his money? I don't know how to fucking deal with everything right now.

              He continues on with Antonio, telling him that he has the other one-fourth, and that he leaves him to be in charge of the gang. The leader. He thanked him, telling him he was more of a father figure to him since he was a kid. At the end, Nathan tells Antonio that he hopes he finds himself someone to be there for him again, like he found Chloe to be with him.

              Until dead did them apart.

              "Damn kid always outdoes everything, doesn't he?" Antonio wipes the tear that just falls from his eyes.

              We share a laugh.

              Then, it was Rosalie's turn. She got the last one-fourth of his money, the house that they grew up in is in her name, and Nathan's beloved motorcycle, Betsy as he calls it, now belongs to her. Rosalie lets out a pained laugh before Zimmer continues on, "You are now out of the gang, Rosalie."

              Then, he hands the last piece of the paper to her, for her to read personally.

              It takes a long time and I'm not able to watch what they're all thinking. I'm in my own headspace, asking myself what apartment he gave me.

              Rosalie's still reading when Zimmer comes up to me, pulling out a folded paper in his pocket. "That's the address of the apartment he rented for you," he fails to look me in the eyes as he snatches two keys from his pocket and hands it to me. "He made an extra key just so you wouldn't bother duplicating it again."

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