9. Golden Eyes

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Bewilderment was all I could see in her eyes as we drove up to the building where the apartment is. "Broke up? You guys broke up? I thought you two had that 'we're so in love we'll be together for a long time, have a football team of kids, and love each one of them' crap. And wasn't Grace obsessed with you since you guys were in freshman? I wasn't there but I believed you when you said that."

Turning into another road, I sigh, keeping my eyes locked at the road. "Grace broke up with me and I'd rather not discuss why."

"Because it involves me," she states. Not even a question, but a fact.

Grace has always been jealous of her. It didn't matter how many times I'd tell her there's nothing to be insecure about, it didn't matter that how many times we fought and I'd always end the argument with the cold hard fact that Blythe is only my best friend. Nothing more.

But in the days where she was missing and I was almost wrecked with worry and sadness of not seeing her, not knowing what she's doing or thinking, Grace saw something more.

"You check your phone every ten minutes since she left," she irritatedly yelled. "You don't eat much. You're even getting weaker from the training since you're not getting sleep. Not only that, but I figured out that you're living in Blythe's dorm."

Oh, hell.

We were in her condo, alone, and she's yelling at me. She should. I deserve this. I know how I've been with her gone and it was unfair to her. "You might not see it but I do, Dean. Everybody does. My friends, your friends. You like her or love her. I don't know which is which yet because apparently, you haven't yet. You keep insisting that you treat her like a sister but that's bullshit. You don't. You treat her like how you should've treated me for the past year and a half we've been together. Look at you! She's gone for two days and you look like shit. When I disappear for two days from our fights, you don't even look miserable. You're pissed, yeah, and you'd try to win me back but this is different. Whatever feelings you have with her, you need to settle it."

"What are you saying?"

The space between her brows came together from the frustration, from the sadness, and from the things she'll say next. "We're done. I'm breaking up with you."

There should've been more restraint. I should've fought her with breaking up with me, say things like I'll break my friendship with her if it means that you're going to be with me. But, I didn't.

And it even felt like it wasn't a mistake.

That shouldn't be like that, right? I should be angry or sad that she broke up with me but right now, I couldn't bring myself to be. I was glad, relieved that we'd broken up. Though I still was very confused at what she said about me liking or loving Blythe.

That's ridiculous. Never have I ever liked her. Sure, I had a crush on her when I first met her but it was only for a few months, and it died on the moment that I knew she'd only take me as a friend not something else. That's why it's a crush. It goes away after a while.

Besides, even if that crush didn't die, she'd never look at me like that. We treat each other as siblings—like how I treat my older brother, Jamie. Only with more gentle because she's a woman and she's... well... Blythe.

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