30. I Need You

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I ran back to the building as fast as I could while Jessica told me everything. I didn't bother using the elevator and walk back to our apartment because I knew that Dean was already rushing to get everything he needed as fast as he could. Jessica explained that the car accident was caused by a drunk driver and that they already placed him under arrest while seeking medical treatment.

Jamie was okay, if okay means only getting a fractured leg, concussion, and three broken ribs. He's awake and the doctors were telling him of his injuries and Charlie's. After one another's surgery, the two were given a joint room, and from there, Jessica called me while Dale called Dean. Charlie's injuries were much more severe. She suffered a big blow to the head enough to put her in a coma and be intubated with a machine breathing for her. She's stable but not enough to breathe on her own.

Still, I have no idea whether the drunk driver did it on purpose or not. It was either an accident or intentional to send a message to me. I don't know how deep Rachel's gone. If she's killed people, she might kill Dean's family just to be cruel to him and to me. That's why Nickson and Castillo will follow us, updating everyone that was supposed to come where we are.

Reaching the parking lot, I look around and see Dean's car with his headlights already on. Before he can go any further, I run to him, knocking on his window and opening the car to the driver seat. "Get out."

"What?" His eyes are red. There are tears in his cheeks. "I don't have time for this, Bly. Jamie and Charlie got—"

Grabbing his wrist, I manage to drag him out of the car without him having to pull away and turn off his ignition, taking his keys and stuffing them in my pocket. "I know. Your mom called. We're taking my bike, it's faster and you won't have to drive with the risk of ending up at the same hospital as them. Now, come on."

We run to my back which is just on the other side of the lot, behind his car.

Popping the footpeg up, I feel the motorcycle dip a little with his weight. His hands landing too reluctantly on my waist. "I thought—"

Cutting him off again, I start my bike. "Just because we're not okay doesn't mean that I don't care for you or for your family. Besides the gang, they treated me like one of their own. Because of that, I won't let you leave without me. I got you, okay?"

"Okay," he whispers. He leans closer, I can feel how fast his heart is beating against my back. All I wanted was to hug him right then and there but I pull myself back.

And I start to drive.

It was already afternoon when we got there. We stopped to refuel and at least to grab him some water because I know how dehydrated he is from crying and worrying. Afterwards, we continued on in silence and finally arrived at the hospital.

The receptionist was kind enough to be fast in typing up in his computer where Jamie and Charlie would be. The two of us run up to the elevator and instinctively, I grab his hand, intertwining our fingers for him to know that I'm with him. He was tapping his foot and biting his nails like what he used to do in high school whenever he would get nervous before a game.

But this wasn't a game. This was his brother's and his brother's girlfriend's life.

I swear to God if Rachel had something to do with this—

The elevator door finally opens and he gets out first, dragging me along with his hold on me getting tighter. Right at the room where the receptionist told us that Charlie and Jamie would be, we walk inside and find Jessica and Dale hovering over Jamie, trying to push him back in the bed as he tried to get up and reach for Charlie.

Finding Life | Finders Keepers #2 ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat