8. In His Eyes

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Surprise, you guys! I've decided to do chapters in different POVs. Blythe's and Dean's. This will be the one of many firsts of Dean's chapters that will be published. 

See you in the next chapter!

- Bella O'Brien

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Almost three days without her has been harsh. It isn't like I'm not used to being far apart from Blythe, we used to be apart for months, especially just last summer when we arrived at vacation but at least we got to call one another, we made it work even though she was too preoccupied with her duties as a trainer in their gang. It was just unsettling not being able to talk to her within those days.

When I took all of her things and she told me she'd go alone, I couldn't help but run after her. She was always a fast runner and I could never keep up with her especially when I have things in my hands. I kept calling her nonstop until Grace had to rip the phone out of my hands and throw it at the back of the car on the way ride home, telling me that she won't answer if I just kept calling.

We were supposed to have a date, but I was too preoccupied with Blythe. She needed me but was too stubborn to wait for me to help her. And so, the date never happened. Even though Grace understood what I just said, with Blythe receiving the news that her brother died, I knew that she was still pissed at me for prioritizing her.

I couldn't help it. Being with Blythe since she came to high school, the innate need to be with her at all times never grew weary. It was always there before we even became friends, starting from the second that I laid my eyes on her.

By the time I dropped Grace home and went back to my dorm, I realized that I still have a spare key that Blythe gave to me in case something out of the ordinary sometimes. So, I take that key, tell my two roommates from the swimming team, Grant and Neil, that I'd be gone for I don't know how many days and that I'll stay somewhere else—Blythe's apartment. They'd assume that I was just going to stay over at Grace's since they know that she's my girlfriend, but I didn't bother correcting them.

When I came to her dorm room, I still can't fathom how she doesn't think that it's too small for her. Probably because she's smaller than me. I didn't really care. I decided that I'll take care of her things while she's gone, just so I can immediately know that she's come back.

Now, she's finally here, sleeping. She cried for a long time before it tired her out and she was able to sleep.

I have never in my life have seen Blythe like this. I've seen her cry, sure, but not like this. It just feels like she's, I don't know, broken. And it damn looks like it too.

There were circles under her eyes, her nose still red from all the crying she did, and her lips parted open to help her sleep since I'm sure her nose is clogged. She's wearing an all-black outfit, the deep V-neck shirt exposing her tattoo by her collarbone. I can only see a tip of an A. I've had a common knowledge that they're tattooed as a commitment to the gang, and I also known about the markings of her switchblade that's given to the members, but I've never really seen her tattoo. It was something she kept, and rightfully so, since there are people who really wants to hurt any member of the Notorious they could.

I remember seeing the switchblade for the first time.

"God, you're annoying!" She rolls her eyes, slamming her locker. She almost hit my face and she didn't even care for any of it. "Will you please, please stop following me? Go to your jock team or whatever you popular rats like to call yourselves."

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