Ch 4

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"Well rough day huh?" Kama suggested coming out from the color in my vest. "Yeah, what a first day. I want to go for a walk in the park to ease the tension in my limbs." I reply as I take off my vest and trade it for a sweatshirt, one of my old ones, just for comfort. Kama hid in the folds of my hood. I walked through the park, listening to the mixed birds and people busling along. It was warm with a cool breeze that felt just right. The shade of a tree was appealing and I sat down with my back to the trunk. "What do you think it will be like here Kama?" She looked up at me and said softly, "I guess it'll be what you make it." I chuckled softly saying, "yeah, I guess your right." I sat for a while thinking and watching all the movements around, it was very calming soon I was almost to the point of falling asleep.

A bit came around the tree I was sitting at and when he saw me he stopped dead and started to turn around. "Sorry did I startle you?" I asked him curious. "Oh... Um... I... I just usually come here to do my homework... It's a calm spot... I'll just be going now." He pushed out, taken off guard be the sound of it. "No, no, I took your spot, I'll.... I can move... It really is a calm spot though." I insisted he stay as I start to get up. "Well you could join me... If you want..." He suggested as he sat down next to me. I pause, unprepared for the offer, 'why not?'  I sat back down next to him.

He had light brown softly curled hair on top with the sides and back shaved. His rectangular glasses framed his almost military-green eyes. He was taller than average heighted me and he was about average build.

"What homework are you working on?" I ask, trying to start conversation. He pulled out his math book and a pencil and papers. He wagged his pencil with a blank face, "um..." He showed me his math book, "this.....*blink slowly*.... Math!... Math homework." I kind of laughed at his lapse, "geometry?" ""Yeah. I kind of suck at it. Physics I can understand why things are!! Not freaking circles!!!" I laughed,"I'll tell you what, I'll help you with geometry if you'll help me with physics." He smiled, "deal, I'm Trenton by the way."

"(Y/n)-" we heard yelling a little ways off. Trenton looked a little grimly, thoughtful, "It must be another villian." I was confused, "what?-" then people came running around the corner and they were... All black and white? No colors whatsoever. I looked at Trenton who had sprung up suddenly. "I'm still confused, villians?" He grabbed my shoulders and lifted me up to stand. I was caught off guard and felt my face heat up, for what reason I know not. Probably embarrassment, because no one has done that before. "You must have recently moved here. Villians come for various reasons, but don't worry we have Ladybug and Chat noir superheroes to defeat them. For now I can walk you home to be safe, is that ok?" He asked looking sincere, still holding my shoulders. "Thanks, but I'm ok. I'll see you here his time tomorrow for homework help right?" I answer smiling. He let go of my shoulders and grabbed his books, "you know it." We heard the screaming getting closer, "might I suggest we jog?" We both started jogging away, "yeah." I got home because it wasn't very far away, "Kama,  I feel like it should help this Ladybug and Chat Noir." She looked at me, "Sure, why not? It's a different environment here so you might look different."

"Ok Kama, Fluff my Cotton Tail!"


Black Leather and White Fur (Chat Noir X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now