Ch 28

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"Are you sure?"

"Yes Marinette, go and have fun at the dance" I reassured her with a hoarse voice.

"Well, sorry you can't come with us, but thanks for helping us get ready!" Alya thanked me.

I helped with their make-up a little bit and did finishing touches on their hair. I just got sick, so I couldn't go. I was disappointed, but didn't want to deter everyone else's fun and told them to go without me.

The dance was almost city wide. It was huge! Mostly teenagers, and it was going to be held outside the Louvre.

Marinette and Alya looked so pretty, they didn't have dates, for it was mostly a party. Just go and have fun.

Marinette was in a Navy blue dress that looked like it had stars that went to the knees. I tried to get her in a black and red one, but for some reason she wouldn't have it.

Alya was in a seafoamy green dress that came to the knees in the front, but came down mid calf in the back.

I'm glad they came over before they left, but now they have to go pick up the other girls. I coughed a bit before waving goodbye, "have fun! Don't feel guilty for leaving me, alone, without any thing to make me feel better! "

"We'll scope out cute guys for you don't worry!" Alya replied, not acknowledging my comment.

"Okay, be safe! Don't get hurt! Be smart! Be careful!"

"Okay Mom!" They both giggled at me before closing the door.

I sat on my phone for a while before it started ringing. I answered it when I saw who it was.

"Hey what's up?"

"Whoo (y/n)!" He sounded relieved.

"Is something wrong Adrien?"

"We need your help"


"You need help picking clothes...?" I asked in disbelief. "You're a model and son of a fashion icon, and you need help matching..."

"Yeeaahh..." Both Adrien and Nino stood before my bed in white t shirts and black dress pants.

Before I could answer I got text.

*Bzz bzz* I'm french! Why do you think I have this outrAgeous accEnt you sIlly kIng?!

It was from Trenton, he sent a picture of himself in a light blue dress shirt and thin Cobalt tie. 'Are you sure I can go without you?'

I texted him right away, 'Of course! Go have fun.'

'I'll miss you'

'I'll miss you too. Now go enjoy yourself, make some friends'


I put my phone down and turned back to my friends before me. They both brought bags with most of their nice clothes with them, so I stuck my hand out to them.

They immediately handed me the bags and I started going through Nino's first. Somewhere in the middle I found a green checked button up. It would match pretty nicely with Alya's dress, not perfectly, but pretty close. I didn't tell him that though. I took it and tossed it at his face.

"Put this on."

He turned around and took his t off, but I was already into Adrien's bag to notice. He had more in there than Nino, but it didn't take much longer. I got a black button up for him and pulled out his accessories.

I turned to Nino again while Adrien left to go to the bathroom to change.

"Come *cough* come here"

He stepped closer and I grabbed his arm. I unbuttoned the sleeve and rolled it to his elbow. I did the same for how other arm. I told him to take a step back so I could examine him. I told him to unbutton the top two buttons on his shirt. He asked why.

"You're a DJ right? Look like it." That seemed reason enough and he did it.

Adrien came back and so I started to sort through his other stuff. I found some (f/c), black, and green suspenders and a green bow tie.

The tie really brought out his eyes, so that was a definite yes. Now the suspenders. I showed him his options.

"Okay put this on, and choose a color of these."

He took the tie and looked at his options. He finally chose (f/c) suspenders and put them on. I kind of smiled at his choice.

Now for their hair. Adrien luckily brought gel and hair stuff so I could do it. I started with Nino and had him sit on the floor next to my bed. I put gel in it and combed a part. I spiked it a bit on both sides going down and was done. His hair is so short I couldn't do much else.

Adrien's hair I could do something with. As I sat thinking I played with it, it was SO soft. I finally came to a decision.

"I almost hate to do this," I comment to myself as I grab the gel.


"Because it's so soft."

"It will be fine later, just do it."


I took the gel and comb and slicked his hair back. I kept his part and combed it away from it a bit. He stood up when I was done and raised his arms a bit facing me. He had raised brows as if asking 'what do you think?'

I curled me finger at him to come closer. I rolled his sleeves up like Nino's and they stood next to each other seeing if I approve.

"I take it back." I cleared my throat, "you guys are lookin' shnazy."

They grabbed their bags and went for the door, "Thanks (y/n)! We owe you one!"

"Yeah you owe me food!"


A/n: Hey my little cotton tails! Hope you are liking the story so far. Just wanted to give you a heads up that I have just burnt through my chapter stock pile. I'm going to try and keep it up but I'm pretty sure that updates won't be regular anymore. Plus with school going on I don't have any me time to do anything. (Honors English, BIO, AND math SUCK!)

On a lighter note, thank you for reading so so much! I love to hear from you guys, feedback, and ESPECIALLY little "one shot" ideas. They make writing SO much better.

Thanks a bunch! See ya!

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share....

Ok, I'm done now.



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