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So! You finally made it to the end! Congratulations on your great patience and spectacular achievement of putting up with me.

As promised this is a little afterword, fun fact type chapter. And hey if you want to ask questions I'll answer those somewhere as well if you want.

First off I want to thank you all for even considering this book and ten times more for reading it through! You are amazing!

Next I just want to say that as the first book I've written through I can see how much I've improved through it and it has been an awesome experience, especially with such supportive readers.

Okay now some interesting facts:

Tiffany was never a planned character.

I know, I know! But Fables, she's such an important character that most of the plot is based off of!

The truth is me and my best friend were talking and we thought, 'hey, what if I put you in my story and then just kill you off? That'll be fun'

Hehehe... Some of you did notice a few references and figured out who this person is and her book.

For those who didn't she's Tiffanythetot and her book is The Night Lovers.

As I continued to write with her a new plot started to develope and then we got the much improved story you have today.

The ending is a full circle.

Well, sort of, I mean the wording is. I've wanted to do that since I was I little past halfway. Is you don't want to go check, the line is
"Home sweet home"

The beginning has a little sigh, but what ever.

I'm sorry for forcing my music on you.

Not really, but I do feel a little bad. Those songs were pretty much listened by me on repeat because I didn't have anything else... Then I found the glorious world of Spotify.

I STILL haven't come up with a detranformation phrase...

Uh yeah, so if you haven't noticed I have explicitly avoided having you say it because I don't know what it is... Like, what do you even have? I was an idiot. Uh KAMA FLATTEN MY COTTON TAIL,



idk man...

Uuuhhh, well I thought I had a bunch more than that.

Shout out to that one person who I was passive aggressive to in Ch 18, I'm sorry but why did you ask if I was going to continue it THE DAY I updated? I could see if it had been a month, but hours? And I don't know if they kept reading as a silent reader or if they left so....

Okay, last thing....

I have a secret

Look to your right.

Now your left.


Behind you.

Anyone watching?



Cuz this is just for you.

Yes especially you

I love you

Whew, glad I got that off of my chest.

Thank you so much for sticking with me and this story.

If you like Marvel I plan on writing an Avengers+ other mcu peeps book.... Yeah it'll be a romance...

When (if) I edit this it'll just be typos and formating errors, no story changes, so don't worry about that.

Again, I love you all so much and words cannot express how much this whole experience is for me. I
guess it's time for a sign off, see you around my friends and remember...

Your social security number

FablesRose 🥀🖤

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