Ch 35

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Adrien's POV
I walked around my room, bored after climbing my climbing wall three times in the past hour.

I had finished my piano, fencing was yesterday, all my homework is done.

I face planted spread eagle on to my bed when I had an idea.

"Plagg, let's do some laps around the city."

"But my nap was scheduled." He whined as he floated closer to me.

I rolled my eyes, "you nap all day anyway."

He sighed.

"Plagg! Claws Out!"


I was jumping and leaping along the rooftops, having the wind in my hair, and the slight chill nip at my face.

I looked over to look at the setting sun, only to find a light from a phone, I think, shining on a roof top. Curious, I went to see who was chilling up on top.

I got closer to the light, but it shut off right as the sun gave it's last bit of light. It took a couple minutes to find where the light had come from. When I did I saw  a girl lying on an air mattress with an impressive spread of snacks beside her.

She was looking at the sky, I looked too to find that the stars were peeking out of the dark.

I jumped off the chimney I was standing on and landed behind her. "Looks like a pretty sweet set up"

She jumped, making the mattress squeal.

"Hi, uh, yeah." She turned around to face me and I found it was (y/n), "What brings the great Chat Noir to my roof?"

"Well I was about to ask you the same question," I flashed her a charming smile and leaned on my baton.

"You didn't hear about the meteor shower tonight? At least 20 per hour! I hope I can see them, previous attempts have all failed me."

She looked wistfully into the distance like she could just visualize it. The way she said it made it sound amazing.

"That sounds cool... Can. Um. Can I join you?" I shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably. Man, it would be amazing if I could stay with her. She suddenly looked adorable as a look of fascination passed over her face.

"Sure?" She shrugged her shoulders and shifted over on the mattress. She wiggled over in her sleeping bag before I could speak up.

"Wait, I'll, uh, I'll get some stuff from my house. I'll be back." I leapt away before she could answer.


"Claws in!"

I ran around my room, gathering all the stuff I thought I needed.

"So, what are you going to do?" Plagg sat down on my bed and grabbed another piece of cheese. He didn't need it, but he's grumpy without it.

"Well I think it'll be a beautiful night. (Y/n) and I will talk and have a good time. It'll be great"

He floated in my face and looked at me suspiciously, "do you like her? What about Ladybug?"

"I don't know Plagg. I'll just focus on tonight." I grabbed the last of my stuff and transformed again, hurrying back to (y/n).

I set my air mattress up next to her own and placed my backpack full of snacks on the ground. We were eating (snack) when I saw something on her arm. Without thinking I grabbed her wrist from the bowl.

"What-?" She looked at me and then the arm I had grabbed.

I realized my mistake,"Wha- oh sorry, that was sudden. Um," I loosened my grip a bit and cradled her arm facing up. I gestured for her other wrist and she gave it to me.

I eyed the neatly written words STAR DUST that were written in Sharpie right below the palms on the wrist. They looked clean and fresh.

I looked them over and looked back at her face, wondering why these words were there, "What's this?" I nodded to the words on her wrists.

She laughed airily and said, "well, uh, it helps remind me of a poem that calms me down... It helps with, um, it reminds me that I'm worth something."

I softened my expression when she looked to my face, "What is it? The poem?"

"Um, uh, it isn't much. I made it myself-" she looked away and drifted off in her speech.

"Well let's hear it." I probed her really wanting to know.

She covered her face, "it's dumb, and inspired by a Tumblr post, I don't even know--"

I cut her off, "I don't care," I pulled her hands away, "I'm curious, please tell me."

She sighed, "well it's, uh,

"My heart pumps star dust,
And the sea runs in my veins.

It helps me think that I'm made of powerful things and I matter." (Y/n) descended into a mumble as she explained herself.

I suddenly felt very poetic and before I could think about it said, "I like that. Don't forget the wind in every breath you take, and one of the most powerful phenomenons in the universe held within a single eye." I softly smiled before turning back to the sky.

We turned just in time to catch one of the first meteors of the night.

They were beautiful. Just as she had described in her expression. I was lost in the sky when she spoke again.

"I didn't take you as lyrical."

I looked over to find her own eyes glued to the stars, the comets streaking across the reflection in her eye. Before I could be caught staring at the beauty I tore my eyes from her and turned them heavenward.

"I have my moments."

We continued to watch the brilliant show without saying another word to each other. Soon we we're falling asleep. (Y/n) wasn't moving and her breathing was steady.

Before I allowed the sand man to give me dreams I directed a comment to the girl next to me, "Thanks for showing me this."

She surprisingly answered back right away, "Thanks for sharing it with me."

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