Ch 7

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Summary of the last couple of weeks:
Alya and Marinette loved your scarves. You start to hang out more, I between Chloe's snatchings. You met with Trenton every week day for homework. You have become friends with him along with your other classmates. Standing up to Chloe really got you off on the right foot.

"Hey (y/n)! We are going to go to a movie this afternoon. Do you want to come?" Marinette asked me standing with a couple girls in the class. I looked at the time, I was supposed to meet Trenton for homework in a few minutes, it would only take about an hour though, "yeah, could we meet here in an hour and a half?"

She smiled, "perfect, that's what we were planning anyway."

"Thanks for inviting me!" I called, looking back while also walking down the stairs. Bad idea. I missed a step and stumbled into the back of Adrien and Nino. They turned and put me back on my feet steadily. "Oh my goodness! I am so sorry!" I apologized to them both.

Adrien smiled kindly to me, "no problem (y/n). Are you ok?"

I looked at them both, "yeah, thanks. Adrien. Nino. I should go, see you guys!" I walked off careful not to walk into something.

"Hey Trenton!" I called to him as I approached the tree.
"Hey (y/n)" he sat down waiting for me. We got right to work, I got my physics homework done all the while telling him about my day.
"Trenton..." I start, putting my homework away, "what high school do you go to?" Honestly I should have known that by now, but the thought had never occurred to me.

"I go to the one kind of in the center of town...that way" he pointed in the opposite direction for mine, "you?"

I pointed toward mine, "over there." We got his geometry done and I had time to spare.

He started to close his book when he asked, "can I get your number?"

My brain took a moment to register what he said, "Um... Yeah, sure" we swapped phones, and putting each other's numbers.

He walked off right as we were done, "thanks! See you next week!"

I walked to the school and we all set off to the theater. You got to the movies and we had to decide on one. We anonymously chose (movie). Just then Chloe and Sabrina walked in and said, " (y/n)! Come watch (other movie) with us!"

I looked at the group and gave a "just sec" look, "Chloe, I'm going to (movie), you can join us and be quiet or go to (other movie)."

She smiled a twitch, "ok fine, come on Sabrina!"

The movie was great except for Chloe sat next to me and I had to give the occasional, "stuff it Chloe!"

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