Ch 60

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It's like a weight has been lifted from my whole body. No more worries, no more guilt, no more of anything really. And it feels amazing.

I'm just getting back into the swing of things. We went on patrol and just jumping from rooftop to rooftop is the most  exhilarating feeling that I wouldn't trade for the world.

The wind in my hair as I watch the world around me go about their business. That little shot of adrenaline as I leap over gaps from the street. The laugh of my friends as we race.

I don't ever remember being this content. I can't imagine life without it now, even though it hasn't been very long. I have wondered how lucky I was to find that bracelet on the sidewalk.

What a stroke of luck, amirite?

I wouldn't be here, laughing with my friends on the top of a building in the middle of Paris. Man, a couple years ago I would have never seen me saying that. Or watching birds fly by at the very top of the Eiffel Tower, where nobody else goes.

Speaking of which, that's exactly where we were, having just finished a race across the city, I think the Bug won by a hair. We sat giggling and chatting about our lives and normality.

Isn't that somethin'... I haven't had normality in so long, the word seems foreign. Nostalgia snuck up on me and I zoned out in silence looking at the beautiful city before me. I mean, it's disgusting, but from a view like this, very few things could ever be considered ugly. The peace was broken when Bug caught me attention.

"Do you know what I just realized Lapin?"


"You haven't met Master Fu yet!"

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a look of dawning realization cross his features. Mine was stuck in confusion.

"Master who the what now?"

"Master Fu! He's the one who gave us our miraculous' and pretty much been the guiding force behind a bit of this. And the little elemental power-ups he makes"

That part clicked, "OH, so thATs where you got those things. I haven't had a use for them yet, so I kept forgetting to ask..."

Noir joined the chat, "how bout we go see him now? He always seems ready for us..."

Bug seemed to agree, "yeah that sounds good."

"Well it's a plan, let's head out!"

I followed behind them as they led the way to this Master Kung Fu dude or whatever's place. We finally got to a building that looked nice enough, but wasn't rollin' in the dough if you know what I mean.

We entered the building and stood out side a for of an apartment. Noir and Bug looked around making sure no one was around before detransforming. I was still confused as heck and hesitated.

They seemed encouraging as they knocked on the door. I was still masked and just followed their lead. An obviously male voice came through the door.

"Come in"

My friends entered straightway, me not far behind. There was a short greying man on the other side of the room. Something seemed familiar about him but I couldn't put my finger on it, maybe I had seem him around Paris a time or two.

"Ah, Marinette, Adrien, and Lapin Roos I hear? What is the purpose for this visit?" The old man seemed nice and was obviously familiar with the pair in front of me.

Marinette took charge of the conversation, "yes Master Fu, this is Lapin Roos we just realized she hasn't met you yet."

His gaze turned to me, and with a kind smile said, "it is a pleasure to meet you miss." He had a little glint in his eye that told me he knew a lot more than I did.

Black Leather and White Fur (Chat Noir X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now