Ch 45

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A/n: I just spent my spring break in Vegas whoo!

Anyway, I'm going to be jumping around a lot in this chapter I have a lot of ideas that I'm mashing together that I'm going to hit. So try to keep with me! Enjoy!

Adrien's POV

It was a beautiful day. I thought I would go for a walk around Paris. I had an hour or two off which was nice. So I had one head phone in and I was enjoying my afternoon. I thought I could be alone this time around.

I was listening to the radio, mumbling along, "makin' my way downtown, walking fast."

I didn't finish the lyric because a high pitched voice called after me, "Adrikins!!"

"Walking faster," I began to jog before full out sprinting away. I passed someone who might have said hi, but I was too focused in getting out of here.

I saw Marinette's bakery and bolted in and barely escaped the wild Chloe.

Your POV

I had spent all day in my room. I was feeling a little bit sick, clogged sinuses and drained. I thought the fresh air would do me some good and it was helping. I could breath at least a little but better and it was improving my mood.

I saw Adrien walking and then break into a run. Chloe was coming soon after.

"Hey-" he blew right by me into the Dupain-Cheng bakery. I closed my fist in the half wave and didn't even have time to put it down before my arms were pulled tightly to my sides.

"(Y/n)! It's good to see you! I did want to spend the day with Adrikins, but we can have a fun day together too!" Chloe looped an arm through mine.

I couldn't help but keep my eyes glued to the shop while my two best friends chatted happily with each other, without a glance in my direction.

Chloe pulled me along in the opposite direction blabbing about the latest celebrity news. I couldn't help but smile a little. She wanted to walk with me, talk to me, though it's mostly be selfish means , she still did it.

Now, I know I won't be able to get out of this easily, so I'll try my best to have fun.

She dragged me to a couple stores, 'only the best,' before I pulled out a tissue and blew my nose. She gasped at me, I thought maybe getting out of her grasp would be simpler than I originally anticipated. I was mistaken.

She took my to the local pharmacy and bought some cold meds. I'm not exactly sure if she was allowed to do that, I'm still a bit rusty on my French drug laws, but she got them.

She kind of showed a new side of her to me. She kept making sure I was doing okay, and offering different products to help. She bought a blueberry tea for me that I very much enjoyed.

For the final crowning moment, Chloe wouldn't take no for an answer from me. She dragged me into a salon and got a full spa treatment for the both of us.

The steam filled my nostrils and my airways cleared. The tension in my shoulders and body eased away. I reveled in the relaxed state my mortal frame settled in.

Chloe kept talking to me and I occasionally chipped in but eventually we both settled down and savored the feeling. A few women were giving us manicures and pedicures.

By the time we walked out of the spa I felt ten times better and ten pounds lighter. I admired my (f/c) nails all shiny and clean.

We decided to walk around the park before parting ways. It was getting close to dinner time, but we still had a little bit.

We were having a pleasant conversation when a guy coming the other direction bumped shoulders with Chloe pretty hard. She didn't take to kindly to it.

"Excuse me!? Do you know what you're doing? Why don't you watch where you're going next time you little--!" She pretty much yelled at him. I stepped in front of her to try and different the situation.

"Hey, calm down okay? It's okay, I'm sure he's very sorry. Let's just go," I told her and she calmed down. She still fumed a bit, but she was below explosive which is a good thing.

The guy, on the other hand found it hilarious. He proceeded to call me a little pupper, which I didn't mind. He then started tossing insults, which I can handle.

But then, oh but then, he started hurling profanities. Cursing like a sailor, he eventually pulled out wretchedly foul names to call Chloe.

I zoned out most of it once he got unsavory. Anger flowed through my veins, and I'm sure it showed in my eyes, because Chloe backed away from me.

I spun on my heal, a nuclear reactor was over heating in side and this jerk was in the blast zone. He must have sensed it because he looked visibly afraid once he registered my expression.

Maybe it was my lack of oxygen for the past few days, or the high from the recent oxygen. I think over all it was that I built up all my anger and now I had a real reason to let it out.

Let's just say I ripped him a new one...

After I cooled down and the jerk was running for the hills, I heard a cute giggling come from a ways inside the park.  I glanced over out of instinct and saw something that made my chest ache.

Marinette was sitting on a park bench next to Adrien. She placed a hand on his forearm and he in turn placed his own on top. They smiled at each other.

It's obvious really, them getting together, she liked him, and everyone knew he adored her. I should have for seen it, so why didn't I? I tried to smile at how cute they were, but I'm sure it turned sour.

Chloe noticed and guided me away, not with out a few choice words.

Adrien's POV

After I escaped Chloe me and Marinette spent the afternoon together. Not my ideal 'alone time' but it was nice to have company, nevertheless.

We caught up and exchanged little things about our lives. We came upon the topic of romance and relationships. I found out that she actually had a boyfriend, she was going to introduce him to us later.

I told her about my growing feelings toward (y/n). I don't really know what to make of them yet. We had most of the conversation in the park.

After a while we heard some pretty foul language being tossed around. We looked up to see a guy harassing two girls. They looked familiar. Once the one with (h/c) turned around we knew why.

She looked pissed. Mari and I exchanged a look before deciding to hang back. That was an explosion we did not want to be in close proximity to.

Once she started Mari nudged me teasingly.

Out of nowhere my voice spoke, "I want to protect her."

She deadpanned at me, "she could snap you like a twig."

I tried to recover, "I mean emotionally you dolt!"

She giggled.

Black Leather and White Fur (Chat Noir X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon