Ch 33

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i guess I could have said happy holidays...




"IT'S BEGINNING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE CHRIStmas! EVERYwhere you goooOOO!" I belted at the top of my lungs as I skipped down the street, the school in sight. Marinette and Alya were nearby and I was sure they could hear me.


I hopped right in front of them on the final note. I held out two boxes out to each of them. My family dips chocolates over the holidays, and we have lots.

"Merry Christmas!"

"Awe! Thank you!" Both girls said at almost the same time.

Marinette gave me a bigger box in return with Alya handing over a small one. We all opened at the same time.

Alya got us cute little necklaces, they had rings on chains. The rings were smaller than finger size, for me anyway. Mine was bronze with a line of (f/c) in the middle. Marinette's was silver and pink.

Marinette made us cupcakes. They looked Soo good, I wanted to eat them all right there. But I had to refrain from the (f/f) goodness, I had already eaten breakfast and I didn't want to puke up the deliciousness.

We started singing Christmas songs off key as we walked to class. Out of nowhere I feel two forearms on both my shoulders. I looked up to see Adrien and Nino casually leaning on me.

Gift exchanging commenced some more. Nino got us all sunglasses so we can look cool together.

Adrien got us girls rings that got on our pinky fingers. They were super cute. He also gave everyone a new pair of headphones. I can't wait to try them out.

(The rings)

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(The rings)

I felt so decked out as I went home to prepare for patrol. I think Chloe it's getting better, she got all the girls tiny brooches and the guys hat pins. They were small and didn't seem expensive, but it's the thought, eh? I don't know when any of us will use them, but oh well.

A/n: I'm stressed and in a rush to get this out before Christmas, so if you want, be creative and make up gifts the others give to each other.

I don't know if you guys like that sort of thing??

*Internally screaming*


We planned a gift exchange as a hero group by the Eiffel Tower. I had my bundles ready as I leapt up to the rooftop.

It was at times like these when I was glad for my heavier vest in Paris.


I mean, it's magic and all, but it's still cold. You can only do so much.

We got there at pretty much the same time.

Chat was holding three cups of hot chocolate for us. I was eternally grateful.

We quickly have each other our gifts and ripped them open. Ladybug gave us black blankets with our little animal in the corner. Mine was in gold, Chat's in green and Bug's in red.

"You know white is such an impractical color" Bug commented as she fingered the stitching on her blanket. She grabbed another piece of the fudge I gave her.

My dad makes some mean fudge.

"I know, so glad this suit is magic and I don't have to wash it. Glad you made the decision to go with black and gold."

Chat got us pillows. But they weren't just any pillows.

They. Had. A.



Okay that wasn't exciting.

What came with them was. He gave us a pack of reusable large hand warmers that go inside of it.

You bend this metal peice inside of the gel that's in a sealed bag and it crystalizes, heading up in the process. To reset it you boil it?

Doesn't make sense really, but it's warmth.

I love it.

We were wrapped in our blankets, hugging our warmth giving pillows, eating fudge. Fantastic. Taking about our day I adjusted my blanket to cover a spot. In the process it got blown from my grasp.

Somehow (must have been his cat reflexes), Chat leapt up and caught the blanket. He wrapped it around my body gently before sitting back down.

I couldn't help but smile shyly at him.


"My pleasure, were can't have you feline cold, now can we?"

Chat sent a cheeky grin my way with Bug groaning.

I couldn't help but snort out a giggle.


A/n: hey    guys    how're you?

So, in case you haven't gotten this vibe yet, I don't have the faintest idea of what y'all like, how to do it, or overall what I'm doing.

You have probs figured that out by now.

Sooo. I would superly appreciate it if you guys give me suggestions, tell me what you think, or what you might want to see in the future!

Not commenting is like giving someone a project, really wanting feedback, good or bad. They don't say anything, and give it right back after looking at it.

That's what I feel like.


I'm getting annoying now, I am entirely aware.

Love ya my cotton tails!

And again, please,




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