Explaining Our Worlds... in a Cave

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Sinon's POV

"We'll stop here," said Duck-butt hair. He finally let go of my arm which probably might fall off due to loss of blood circulation. I walked over to sit on a rock and swiped the air to check the my inventory. I opened it to check my items. I was shocked, I had all the items that ever existed in GGO and an infinite amount of bullets.

Duck-butt hair just looked over and yelled, "What the hell is that?!"

I said, "My inventory. By the way, what vr game are we in?"

"What?!" he said. "What is that?!"

Okay, now I was confused. I swiped the air again and saw no logout button, no info button, and no settings button. This is like me right now =  ._. ?

"Since you're confused at the moment, I'll introduce myself. I'm Sasuke," introduced Sasuke.

"Sa-soo-kay," I said, "Sas-kay, Sauce-kay, Sauce-gay, Sauce-is-gay, Sauce-is-gay!"

"No," he said.

"Fine, Sas-gay!" I said in defeat, still expressing the 'g' very clearly.

"I'm Sinon," I said, finally getting serious.

Sasuke's POV

Why does everybody make fun of my name? I'm an UCHIHA for crying out loud. So Sinon was her name, and I could tell that she wasn't from here based on her clothing. She was very... exposed, and I have never seen that kind of clothing style EVER, in this time period. But honestly, if Sakura was wearing this, she would try to seduce me, but I would shove a Chidori right up her ass. I was kind of surprised when she wasn't flattered by my appearance. It seemed like a challenge. Sort of.

"So Sinon," I explained, "you are in a world of shinobi and kunoichi, aka, ninja."

"Do you have guns?" she asked.

"No, and what the fuck is a gun?" I answered

"This," she said, pulling out a small black metal thing on its sort of right angle. "and what about a phone?"

"If I had to answer any of this ridiculous nonsense, I would say we have no advanced technology of weapons, communication, or transportation."

"Geez," she said, "in my world, we have all that advanced stuff you say. A 'vr' is a game with a headgear, and in your virtual mind world, you can play a game. You somewhat sleep when you play with a head device on."

"So can you customize yourself?" I asked

"Yeah, so this isn't what I really look like," she said, "i have black hair and glasses."

"I can imagine," I replied dryly

I could understand her world sort of, and she could somewhat understand mine.

"How'd you get here?" I interrogated.

"Wait," said Sinon, "there's a note in my items."

Sinon's POV

"To sum it up," I told Sas-gay, "after my ex-friend killed me in GGO ( a vr game), I 'glitched out' because of a hacker and now this is my appearance in this world, my avatar. My body in the real world is gone and here. I have all the items in my gun game, with an infinite amount, and it seems this is my real body."

"Hn." he said.


"So what weapons do you use?" I inquired.

"Kunai, shuriken, senbon, wire, basically a lot of other things that are not so advanced as yours, but I especially use the Sword of Kusanagi," I listed, "but we also use ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu, or Kekkei Genkai."

"What's all those jutsu thingies and that other thing." I said, oblivious to the things he was listing out."

"Ninjutsu is like weaponizing our chakra. Chakra is our life force that also helps us fight and do every day things. Genjutsu is like a hypnosis, can also be like mind torture, and taijutsu is using chakra for hand to hand combat and speed. Last of all, Kekkei Genkei is like a secret move that's passed down along the family," explained Sas-gay.

"I think I get it," I said, "but if I were to blend in with others, I have no jutsu at all or Kekkei Genkei."

"I know a girl named Ten ten and she only uses weapons," Sas-gay told me.

"So... I'll just use weapons?" I asked.

"Yes," said Sas-gay, giving me an annoying attitude while rolling his eyes.

Sasuke's POV

Honestly this Sinon girl was asking too many questions, but to be honest, I was curious about her world.

"Where do you live?" I asked.

"Japan," she said.

This is the Fire Country," I said back, "we live in villages, I used to live in the Hidden Leaf Village."

"Used to?" Sinon asked, narrowing her eyes.

"I'm a rogue ninja," I said, "I have to avenge my clan by killing my brother."

"Killing?" she asked, going stiff all of a sudden.

"Yes, in this world, ninja can kill if it's a mission, if it's not a mission, it's a crime," I said, curious why this affected her so much.

"In my world, killing can only happen at war, the rest is illegal, in my world," she says quietly.

"Weird," I say.

Her eyes are shaded by her bangs, (you know, that anime affect). I wonder what happened to her for her to be like that, for ninja, killing is normal. Her world is strange.

"Let's just sleep," I say.

"I want to sleep outside," she insisted.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I don't trust you," she said plainly.

My eyes widened, SHE didn't trust me? She slams into me and gives me this attitude. She walks outside and laid down. Little-

3rd person POV

As Sasuke and Sinon slept, separately, Kiba and Naruto found Sakura sleeping in the forest.

"Fuck, she screwed up again," said Kiba, face-palming himself.

"There doesn't seem to be any visible wounds..." observed Naruto.

"Akamaru smells a hint of Sasuke, but I also smell something else weird," said Kiba as he sniffed the air, "the smell ends at that river."

(That's because in this world, the items that are broken and used don't disappear for some reason, so Sinon threw it in a river >:) , but only you, Sinon, Sasuke and I know that. ;) )

"Sakura is very strong physically and smart at the same time," said Naruto, "but someone took her out very quickly. But who?"


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