Because of Onigiri

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Sasuke's POV

I woke up to see onigiri. Hey, they're good, but how did these get here?

"Hey, the dead is alive," said a voice.

It's Sinon.

"How did you cook?" I ask starting to eat.

"I bought it with your money," she said casually.

I choke, "WHAT?!"

So I was searched in my sleep, wow. How much money though?

"Not much though," said Sinon, "just four onigiri."

That's good, but suddenly, I want more.

"Let's get some more," I said, standing up.

"Crave much?" she said.

I just tossed her a cloak.

"Actually," she said, "I'm pretty sure you are wanted because you're rogue so take this."

She gave me a different cloak. I put it on and it shimmered.

"Now I can't see you," she said, "pretty handy huh?"

It was, but I wasn't going to tell her that.

"Hn," I mumbled.

Sinon's POV

No thanks? Wow. So Sas-gay and I are in town and I'm holding his wallet. I'm wearing a cloak by the way. I gave Sas-gay the cloak Death Gun wore, the Metamaterial Opticle Camouflage Mantle. I could feel Sas-gay's presence when he wore the cloak so he could keep it on. I bought the onigiri and started to head out. Suddenly, I couldn't sense Sas-gay anymore. I looked around.


I see a vase at the street we're in crash. I head over near the vase, pay the poor old lady, and grab the "invisible man" into an alley way.

I pull off the cloak.

"Wear a normal one," I said, shoving one into Sas-gay's face as I lowered my hood.

He puts it on and we leave. We're almost out of town when Sas-gay pulls me over to him.

"Some people after me are here," he said, "I'm sure of it."

Naruto's POV

Kiba and I were in the... Moon Country? It was small, near the Fire Country, but still successful.

We got there this morning, we slept in a hotel after using the bath house last night because after we found Sakura-chan, we decided to stay in a hotel and relax in a bath house. In the morning, we ate some dangos.

"Man,  that bath house last night was great!" exclaimed Kiba, "Right Akamaru?"


Sakura looked really down so I went over to her.

"Oi Sakura-chan, something wrong?" I questioned.

"Nothing Naruto," answered Sakura, "Kiba, did you track down Sasuke-kun?"

"Sakura I keep telling you, there's a smell that covered up his scent. Plus, the smell ended in a river!" explained Kiba.


"What was that?!" I yelled.

"It came from the other side of town!" said Sakura.

"This way!" exclaimed Kiba.


I went up to an old lady.

"Excuse me miss, but was there a crash?"

"Ah, don't worry young man, it was just a fallen vase, see?" she answered as she picked up the pieces, "Somebody felt so bad, she paid me."

"Let me help you ma'am," said Sakura, as she pulled Kiba down to help pick up the shards.

Kiba got up and came over to me.

"I smell Sasuke," he informed me.

Sasuke's POV

"How far?" Sinon asked.

"Quarter mile, and one of them has a dog and some tracking skills," I answered.

She pulled me into a shop and bought something, a vial with a spray nozzle. Then she grabbed my arm and we ran out of town. Just as we stepped foot out of town, I saw them, Naruto, Sakura, Kiba and his dog, looking for me.

3rd person POV

"I can smell him!" said Kiba leading us into a shop.

We circled around, cut the line because we were following Kiba and exited the shop. Then he started running to the exit of town.

Meanwhile, Sinon throws Sasuke's cloak onto a tree and sprays both him and her with a natural scented perfume she had bought. With Sasuke's money. She takes out the metamaterial cloak and drapes it on both of them. They both crouched on the ground.

At that exact same moment, Kiba found Sasuke's cloak in the tree.

"You got to be kidding me!" he yelled, "It's a diversion, he got away and covered up his scent!"

"Back to square one," mumbles Naruto.

Sakura sighs as the trio heads back to the Hidden Leaf Village.

"Oi Naruto," said Kiba.

"What?" he answered back.

"I think I smelled somebody else's scent lingering her with Sasuke's, but it's... unfamiliar," said Kiba.

"No way!" exclaimed Sakura, "Sasuke-kun would never travel with anybody else other than his other team!"

"It's weird, but I can't remember what it smells like anymore," muttered Kiba.

"Hm..." Naruto thought.

"I think I also smelled onigiri in a bento..." mumbled Kiba silently to himself.

Sasuke's POV

After they left us, Sinon and I got out of the cloak and started to walk.

"Where are we going?" asked Sinon.

"To visit someone I know," I answered.

"How long will it take?" she said.

"Three days," I responded.

"Let's hurry up so we can get there faster," she insisted.

"Eat first," I said, "it's lunchtime."

Sinon pulled out two bentos.

3rd person POV

Meanwhile at Konoha:

"So you detected Sasuke..." said Tsunade in deep thought at her desk after Naruto told her this story.

"Yes baa-chan, and we want permission for an ANBU Black Ops to accompany us next time for their expert tracking skills," replied Naruto.

"I'm sorry, but we can't be sure who is with him," said Tsunade apologetically, "to take out Sakura and her super strength at once like that is... almost impossible for someone like Sakura."

"Oh, can you at least let me and a team look for Sasuke?!" pleaded Naruto.

"I will assemble a team by tomorrow," she answered, "oh and Naruto."

"Yeah?" he replied.

"I'll consider your plea," she said sternly.

"Thank you baa-chan!" he said.

As he walked out, Naruto raised his fist.

"Sasuke," he said optimistically, "we'll find you and bring you back, believe it!"


Thank you!!!!!!!!!! Please comment and vote pls. Thx!

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