Close Call

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Sinon's POV

Mission: Kill some dudes, get the bounty money, and get the hell out of here. These guys were weak, so I was by myself. This was going to be an in-out mission. I headed for some small town near the... Sand. If I ran into Gaara, I would be so screwed. I tugged my hood lower. I reached the small town and decided to book an inn... with Deidara's money.


3rd person POV

"Oi! Where's my money?!" Deidara exclaimed.

Deidara ran to Sasori's room.

"Sasori, my man, do you have my money?" he asked.

Sasori looked up,

"I think Sinon took it."

"DAMMIT, SINON!" Deidara yelled.


Sinon's POV

I sneezed. Hard. And smirked. Deidara must be pissed.

"Where should I go now?" I muttered.

I trudged to a bar and gave the bartender a picture.

"The Ravenscythe? Hiding somewhere, probably somewhere near the edge of town that way," he informed.

"Thanks," I left him some tip and left.

I started heading to the area, right side of the bar. I found a cave. I swear, if they're in there, that's so cliche and shi-

"Eh?" said a dude in a corner.

"Yo," I said as I rushed forward and slashed his stomach with a knife. The other guys were sleeping, so, silent murder. Blood everywhere.

"Shit, I'm not cleaning this!" I said as I ran.

Good thing I got no blood on myself. I ran back to the inn, bathed, and flopped myself onto the bed. Ah fuck, I forgot my dinner/lunch. I ran outside with my hood on and bought some sushi. Yum~ I started eating in my room and finished, throwing away the bento. I then placed myself to sleep.

Naruto's POV

It's nighttime. I'm sleepy. Sasuke is booking us each a room in an inn. I ate my onigiri, and did my nightly routines. Then went to bed.

Next day...

Sinon's POV

I walked out and checked out of the inn. Hood on, so we good. I got my bounty money, and I decided to buy Deidara something because I felt bad for robbing him. I walked out to the stores to find exploding stuff. Nope. There's none. So I'll just go home now.

Naruto's POV

We woke up and decided to eat some breakfast when Sasuke started staring at somebody.

"Oi, Sasuke, staring at that girl?" I asked, pointing at some chick in a dress next to a hooded person.

"No," he snapped.

"I don't blame ya, she's got big b-" I started, when I got whacked in the head by Sasuke.

"Is it that hoodie?!" Sakura shrieked.

The hoodie was about 10 feet away, while the girl with the big... um, things ran away. Uh oh. Sakura stood up and walked over to the hoodie who was minding their own business when-

"Stop trying to be eye-candy!" Sakura yelled, and reached for her hood.

Sakura reached out her hand when-

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