Konoha Fire Moon Ball Pt. 3: What the Hell Just Happened?!

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Random pic guys, don't know who that is

Sinon's POV

Lee, you master-shipper. Sasuke just asked me to dance, and Sakura looks pissed.

"Uh, pfbsbsbsbsbsbsbsb uh..." I spit, "what's that?!". I pointed across the room.

I started to run as Sasuke turned. I dashed and hid behind Neji and Tenten on the couch.

"Sinon-chan! What the hell are you doing?!" Tenten hissed.

"SasukeaskedmetodancebutSakuraispissedatmefor"hogging"SasukesoknowIhavenoideawhattodo!" I yelped.

"Um, cause a distraction!" Tenten advised.

"Um, Neji! Throw food at Sasuke!" I said.

I picked up the croissant he was about to eat and I chucked it in Sasuke's hair. He started turning around to see who threw it. Whoops. I then 'accidentally' hit Neji, causing him to kiss Tenten.

"Whoops," I whispered as they both turned red.

Then I dashed over to hide under the food table.

Sasuke's POV

Okay, now I'm pissed. I'm set up with three annoying girls to the dance, Sinon tricked me, and someone threw a croissant at my head.

"Sasuke-kun~" a bunch of random girls I don't know cooed.

I walked over to Naruto and Hinata ignoring the whores.

"Have you seen Sinon?" I asked.

"Hm, trying to ask her to dance?" Naruto said while wiggling his eyebrows.

"No," I muttered.

"Sure," Naruto said.

I glared and walked to the food table. I reached for the cherry tomatoes, and ate one, in the corner of my eye, a plate of honey-walnut shrimps (I love those) slid off the table. I walked to the other side of the table and lifted the table cloth. I saw Sinon eating honey-walnut shrimp with a fork.

"Shit," she said.

Sinon's POV

"Shit," I said.

I kicked his stomach and scanned the room for an escape. I saw stairs leading to a balcony. I threw a smoke in front of Sasuke and ran. I climbed up the stairs and sat on a table eating the shrimps. Sasuke was searching around the room for me. I smirked. Hilarious. I finished the shrimps. I wiped my mouth with a napkin that was laying around. When I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Kirito with a kunai.

"Don't move," he said as he leaned in.

I froze. So he's threatening me with a kunai? He leaned into my face when-

"Nobody touches my friends!" Natsu growled as he appeared.

He knocked Kirito back, who growled.


I turned around to see Kiba.

"Kiba!" I said.

Natsu was fighting Kirito. Kirito threw a kunai at Natsu who dodged, but the kunai headed straight towards me. Kiba blocked it with his arm.

"Kiba!" I yelled.

Gai-sensei apparently took over as DJ and turned up the volume, so no one could hear us. Kirito got past Natsu and lunged at me, when-


Sasuke and Lee?!

"Sinon-chan! Get Kiba to Sakura-chan quickly!" Lee ordered.

"Right!" I said.

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